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MexicanDragon last won the day on October 17 2024

MexicanDragon had the most liked content!

About MexicanDragon

  • Birthday 05/23/1981

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  • Gender
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  • Biography
    I am a fire breathing mythical creature who was made in Mexico
  • Location
    Bellevue, WA (was: Chattanooga, TN)
  • Interests
    BMWs, cars, racing (autocross for now), motorsports, guns, music (play saxophone), blah blah blah
  • Hobbies
    Interests (Your hobbies, etc)... look in that spot
  • Headphones
    Current: HF-1, HD580, PX100, PP2, im716 Past: HF-1, SR-80, PP Jr., MX500, MX300, er4p, Darth Beyers (Screened with Covers), HD650s
  • Headphone Amps
    Shellbrook Audio Maxi Moy Signature
  • Sources
    Denon 2900, Toshiba SD-3950/3960
  • Other Audio Gear
    Ears, CDs, 8-tracks

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  1. Maybe you can work out a "you stick one in me, I stick one in you" trade? Art of the Squeal?
  2. Dolly Parton and Elvis Presley. I believe that's what they call "checkmate."
  3. Well, the average Amerikkkan has a 5th grade vocabulary. I had to tone it down a bit for Alaskans and lawyers.
  4. Happy Thursday, Al! Hope you buy yourself something sick for your 80th!
  5. Paging @tom_hankins
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/03/health/james-harrison-blood-donor-death-scli-intl/index.html RIP to James Harrison, the man who saved 2 million babies. I don't have this, but I'm O-Neg and CMV-Neg (universal for neo-natal emergencies.) I learned about this guy when I found out I had some pretty special blood (7% of pop has O-Neg, and 15% are CMV-neg, so I'm in the 1%). He hasn't been able to give in a bit, but he made a huge impact.
  7. 2" Rack, as much as I love 1UP (and I do), after losing 5-6k of bikes/tools/skateboards, I wanted the most secure bike rack I could get/afford. That wound up being a Thule T2 Pro XT 1.25" 2-bike rack. (You know me and deals, I got it for free from Performance Bike after I mathed the fuck out of them.) That was my 2nd choice, behind Kuat and just above 1UP, because the built-in security was the best. Cost no object? Kuat Piston Pro X There's a Thule T2 Pro XTR now that supersedes mine, and a more rational choice, but don't overlook the in-between Kuat Pisto Pro. https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/topics/biking/best-bike-rack Outdoor Gear Lab is a great review site, and a good starting point (trusted by both me and the Ginger Avenger) for most things outdoorsy. If you have your own system of securing the bikes on a rack? 1UP HD still has tons going for it.
  8. Hmmmm... 7D II was on my radar for a while, since most of my lenses are EF-S these days.
  9. Hippy birbday, @cetoole! I asked Bing.com to make some images for the occasion and I couldn't pick just one, so here are, well, all of them. Note, there was nothing alcoholic or drink related in the prompts (my bad), but Bing knows you (or me?) too well. I mean, this one even got the lime! This had a super cute pupperz This also has a super cute pupperz This one has pupperz of cuteness and a longboard style that I belieb you may have one of already. Don't you love the truck mounting?
  10. Happy birthday, you vintage bastard! I'm glad that I was with you when we found out about the SCOTUS decision in 2015, then got to go meet some of your Apple buddies at the parade. Good times. Also, figure you may like this Mensa shirt Though perhaps you'd prefer: Either way, happy to listen to you tell stories of your time as an extra on:
  11. Was suggested this by a friend, but he couldn't give me much info due to giving too much away. I'll do you the same courtesy and just say "it's worth the watch." Hour long episodes, 4 have dropped so far with 4 more coming. Next one on Tuesday. Looking forward to it.
  12. Happy birthday @VPI! I hope you bought the pups a wagyu brisket to celebrate!
  13. So, did they actually ask permission, or was that in some ToS that you signed away everything years ago? Also, did they let you know, or just... you found it?
  14. I'm not sure who this The Band is, but I LOVE the REACT channel. Kids/teens/adults/senior citizens/etc. reacting to things. It's great!
  15. I've told you, or you've heard of, this movie, right? This is one of the best documentaries ever. I mean, I may have event watched this with you, I just can't remember anymore.
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