I'm interested in getting a (relatively) inexpensive USB computer rig at the moment, so I'm looking for advice on what to pick. At the moment, I have three choices in mind, of which I'm considering two:
1) DAC/amp combo at http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=185569
Which seems to be a NOS TDA1543 DAC, maybe similar to the Monica II (?), plus a PINT, in one PCB & enclosure.
2) Alien DAC + Go-Vibe 5
With the Alien DAC being a simple USB PCM2702 DAC, and then the Go-Vibe 5 apparently being a simple LM6172 deal with a DC jack.
3) Total Bithead
At the moment I think the others will be a better value. Since while I don't have any electronics skill, I will force a person on #headphone-hifi to go and make the DIY part for parts cost, since I have certain pictures of him. However, this person is also known for 0.00000001 star customer service.
Headphone will be Sennheiser HD580.
I don't have a portable amp either, and if I pick option 2) that will cover this, but on the other hand I don't know if I'd want to bother with a portable amp (note that in the situations where I'm likely to use my PDAP, I will be stationary and paying attention to the music) since the benefit to amping UM2s or whatever is unlikely to be _that_ extraordinary.
Any advice or possible other choices?