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About K2Grey

  • Birthday 01/01/1

K2Grey's Achievements

Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. I think that "more horrible" things being done with animals doesn't excuse things that are merely "horrible". It's like claiming that people are pussies for being upset about murder when ethnic killings are going on. Sure, the ethnic killings might be worse, but that doesn't excuse murder. For myself I find it pretty sickening that people enjoy watching animals forced by humans to kill each other, but I suppose it is merely one of many bizzare enjoyments. Don't think horse racing quite compares to forcing horses to fight each other. I am pretty sure the degree to which the horses are provoked makes the ensuing fights much more vicious than regular horse fights (e.g. in the wild). Of course, I'm obviously naive, idealistic, etc. for these thoughts. Excuse me while I go to the local store so I can get off on strangling domesticated animals.
  2. I find it amusing that the supposed motto refers to "thin skin" in a negative light, whereas here we see a certain lack of thick skins (not that that the thickness or lack thereof is good/bad on its own). The way I see it, and (isofar as I can tell) the way many others see it, Head-Case is a place for all sorts of discussion about audio related matters (including head-fi) which is not possible on head-fi. If you start censoring threads here (not that censorship is inherently wrong) then the slope may become slippery because while I don't really care for a 60 page thread on head-fi woes and don't feel it adds to head-case much, a RSA debate on head-fi doesn't really add to head-fi much either. Good to see some chest pounding and contests of wills here, though.
  3. I would suggest changing out the RAM. Most components these days use cheap RAM made in countries where the cost of production is lower. This RAM is made to fit basic electrical specifications and is not appropriate for audio use. I would suggest RAM from G.skill as being good. I've used it before and the sound is rich but yet not overpowering. ...oh wait, you're talking about referenceaudiomods
  4. I can't find the edit button (assuming it even exists). There's also cetoole's supposed DAC/amp combo but it will come out around when the Mini^3 comes out (which is never) so that's out.
  5. I'm interested in getting a (relatively) inexpensive USB computer rig at the moment, so I'm looking for advice on what to pick. At the moment, I have three choices in mind, of which I'm considering two: 1) DAC/amp combo at http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=185569 Which seems to be a NOS TDA1543 DAC, maybe similar to the Monica II (?), plus a PINT, in one PCB & enclosure. 2) Alien DAC + Go-Vibe 5 With the Alien DAC being a simple USB PCM2702 DAC, and then the Go-Vibe 5 apparently being a simple LM6172 deal with a DC jack. 3) Total Bithead At the moment I think the others will be a better value. Since while I don't have any electronics skill, I will force a person on #headphone-hifi to go and make the DIY part for parts cost, since I have certain pictures of him. However, this person is also known for 0.00000001 star customer service. Headphone will be Sennheiser HD580. I don't have a portable amp either, and if I pick option 2) that will cover this, but on the other hand I don't know if I'd want to bother with a portable amp (note that in the situations where I'm likely to use my PDAP, I will be stationary and paying attention to the music) since the benefit to amping UM2s or whatever is unlikely to be _that_ extraordinary. Any advice or possible other choices?
  6. "Bang for the buck" carries much the same meaning as "bang for the buck". Therefore even if the precise choice of words in the phrase was incorrect, the phrase as a whole would still be logical and appropriate. Anger or nitpicking would be better directed at corruptions of phrases in which the original meaning is lost or obscured, such as "I could care less" and "the lion's share".
  7. OK, now my TBAAM broke (my own fault) and so I'm running the HD580 out of onboard sound, except I don't really listen at the computer so my main rig is 5G iPod -> Westone UM1. Damn, I want to upgrade something. Chances are it'll be the IEMs, but the problem there is that the E500 isn't out yet and I'm not buying it anyway until the FOTM has died down, and I want to skip right to the top this time (no suggestions of UE10 plz).
  8. Hmm, does a TBAAM and an iPod count as a source? If not, then count me into this club as well
  9. 24k gold.
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