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Everything posted by Takashi

  1. I iz belligerent On a more serious note, he's one of my best friend and he's a great person please don't take this too seriously.
  2. how much do you love those? <3
  3. Software Preamp
  4. The burn in is going well at 24 hours ish, I have been listening to A LOT of classical music e.g Max Richter and songs with strings seem to be even more defined with the amp then without, they sound more.. real, tactice, i'm not sure how to describe it, less artificial I suppose. More later.
  5. Was just trying to have some fun, from now on I will restrict my threads to reviews on what I buy and advice, sorry If i caused any offense, imo people have "different" ears your idea of good is partial to no one but yourself, i'm sorry that I offended you with such trivial things. Edit: This wasn't even me flaunting my "gear" which is not too high end anyway, I was mainly poking fun at my friend turning up the PREAMP all the way in software and then declaring his opinion.
  6. Boomana believe me i've read your posts, and you have a huge bias against them, on the opposite spectrum there is Markl, who thinks they are the greatest things ever, who is right? who cares as long as it sounds good to me and it does.
  7. Takashi

    Perfect songs.

    November - Max Richter Wow.. just wow absolutely amazing use of strings leaves me in tears every time. If your just listening to it make sure to listen to the whole thing.. it's a piece as a whole don't judge just by the intro.
  8. You guys ready for this.. he wears a bose triport, he likes that crackly terribly enhanced bass. Edit: And yes i am in the process of building my own cups for the d2000's wooden of course, I own a lathe
  9. I just saw that.. oops
  10. hmmmm that sounds like a great idea mwahahahahha
  11. So a while back even before I got my amp I was excited to own my new headphones and wanted to show them to a friend of mine. He comes over and puts on a song in my itunes, quickly finds the equalizer, turns the Pre-amp setting in iTunes ALL THE WAY up, takes the headphones off and quickly declares that they suck. Being a nice fellow, I just said ok and shrugged it off. My question to you is where does this kind of ignorance spawn from? How can someone be so stupid to assess sound quality when iTunes is clearly distorting it. Also he was using a 128kbps quality audio that he gave me, and I told him before hand that the quality will suck. GrRrRRRRRrRRRrRR Console me fellow head casers.
  12. Also this wasn't just based on HPA's review, it was based on his and numerous other impressions, HPA was the only one to really go indepth with how it sounded with the Denon d2000's which i happen to own. There seems to be some sort of war going on you guys quit that until I burn in my nuforce and give a full review
  13. Thankyou for the advice Headphone Addict. I am only using this out of my macbook pro, so I don't care that it sucks out of the ipod. Also your right in a year I will have a better amp and I'm sure i'll think it's not good but i'll tell you one thing. I am much more pleased with my d2000's out of my amp, then I was out of my Macbook pro straight, and I loved them before, and love them even more now. That counts for something right? Even if it doesn't I'm enjoying my music like never before so I don't care
  14. Haha, I feel like such a little kid, reexperiencing my music again, jumping from song to song saying "Oh! I wonder how this song will sound now"
  15. Ah ok i misunderstood sorry Personally having never owned an amp I expected very little to no change, however I was quiet mistaken, the change in sound is radical. Bass coming out of my d2000 has become much more defined, sibilance in some extremely sibilant songs have reduced, and the sound seems to become more rounded (equal / balanced). Also I am noticing far more sound space? (is the how you say it) I feel more like i'm listening to instruments around me instead of instruments being directed into my head.
  16. Haha it just arrived! And all I can say is smite all ye non believers, I love the sound coming out of this thing so far, will write a review once it's burned in.
  17. Plus my budget was limited and this seemed like the best choice for 100-150 ish
  18. sounds perfectly reasonable to me
  19. Well I just bought a NuForce Icon Mobile, for my first amp/dac. I will be using it to power my Denon Ah-D2000, which I am absolutely loving so far (Have had for about a month, maybe a bit longer). HeadphoneAddicts review suggests good synergy with them so I figure i'll give them a try. When I get them I will do the same kind of thing I did with my headphones, I will do an initial review and then an After burn in review :] Hopefully will be of use to other people. This will be my first amp/dac experience so I am intrigued on what changes this will make to the sound. The amp will be coming in 1-3 days, wish me luck hopefully I don't spill things in excitement when I get it like last time..
  20. The pico is just outside my price range, unless it has much better/noticable performance over the compass or EF2. Any opinions on all please?
  21. Which pairs better with the Denon d2000 in your guys' opinions, The Hifiman EF2? or the Audio-Gd Compass. I have no amp or dac, so these will serve as both amp and dac for me driving out of a macbook pro. Which do you guys recommend? Thanks for any help.
  22. Out of the Box Denon AH-D2000 Review: Please keep in mind I am driving these out of my macbook pro with no amp or DAC and no burn in. Hmmm Since i'm rather enthralled (in a good way) with these headphones I think i'm going to instead of giving a review like, these headphones are amazing, or these headphones suck. I'm going to describe the sound in each genre of music I listen to as i listen. (I do very much love the sound so far but that's as far as i'm going to go with personal opinion) Genre: Alternative - Inside a Boy - My Brightest Diamond (Album: A Thousand Shark's Teeth) Starting with the acoustic guitar I immediately start hearing incredible detail with just 1 instrument, I hear the musicians fingers on the strings. The drums start out and then comes the female voice singing. As instrument upon instrument is added I feel like none are being overshadowed by the other. Very clear distinction between all the instruments. The bass comes and even though I have my EQ bass boosted I feel just the right amount of pure bass produced . The electric guitar sounds great as well. I don't know what else to say. High points of this song - Female Voice, Violin, Bass Nexttttt Rap Slacker - Tech N9ne (Absolute Power) Let me start by saying that reading many other reviews of these cans, people have said that the bass is clumsy. I'd have to disagree with these statement and now I feel like I won't Markl mod these cans. The bass is true and pure, boomy, but not sloppy, just how i like it . I feel that just the burn in will be enough to mellow and tighten up the bass just perfectly . I feel completely badass listening to this, which is exactly how it should be I think if anything could be improved with the way these cans perform on this long is mabye a bit more clear male voices ( will review more male voices in later songs ) Trance Lots Of Trance Songs Well these cans definitely shine with all the synthetic sounds and voices of trance. WOW WOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOW when listening to trance I can't stop smiling, these sounds dam good. For Example Tiesto's in search of sunrise 6 and 7 sound spectacular. Such defined detail and perfection, mixed in with the fun of the bass on these headphones. All i can say is WOW. Ridiculous Resonance around my ears ahhhhhh. (Sorry if that was biased, but Wow.. ) Ray Charles Yes that's right Ray gets own section and you know why? His voice seems to sound better then any other male voice i've heard so far. In terms of being so clear and defined. Cry - Ray Charles, was spectacular, Ray was up on the stage in front of my computer desk, and singing to me. Drilling a hole in my head with his mouth (ew?) Piano Music/Jazz En la Orilla del Mundo - Charlie Haden and other piano solo's by Philip Glass I'm trying so hard to find something I don't like about these cans.. but piano music certainly isn't one of them. Just as a typed that sentence a violin chimed in and now i have to say that violins sound so well too. Apologies if I was repetitive, didn't use audiophile lingo, or anything else that I suck at Overall impression: With no burn in no amp and no dac, I am extremely impressed with these cans. I find these cans to shine most in Jazz/Classical/Trance/ and female singing alternative rock (haven't tried any hard rock yet) I also believe that the opinion on this forum that the bass is "flabby" is over-exaggerated. The bass seems very defined the word i would use is clear and thumpy. Well i think i'll end this praise here. I will continue to find something I don't like about these headphones and am looking forward to burning these in and eventually getting a DAC + amp for them
  23. And they are here, just as they come I was so excited and spilled water all over the place.. Had to clean it up before listening, will listen and burn these in then give my review.
  24. Denons will be here in just a few hours, i'm so excited!!
  25. Oh and I've never seen that Takashi before, My name refers to asian horror film director Takashi Miike.
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