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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. I dunno, if you're thinking about Chick-fil-A's peach milkshake, it's not it. I've been told it'll be back again this summer, though.
  2. They're no longer allowing folks to renew expired accounts. As long as I can get the same e-mail address, it'll be fine, though. I'll just have to wait till then to switch over to it as my main e-mail.
  3. Back in March or April, so I'm probably out of luck. It was close enough to the rumored timeframe for free MobileMe that I didn't renew (along with the fact that discounted MobileMe boxes were starting get scarce at that point).
  4. No such luck for me. It just tells me I need to renew, then tells me I can't renew anymore.
  5. Fuck, I really should've renewed my MobileMe account. I guess I have to suffer through using Google till iCloud goes online. Argh.
  6. I'm pissed that I didn't buy this - I was watching the first game of the Stanley Cup Final and completely forgot about it.
  7. Went to a Greek festival couple of towns over. The food was pretty good and we had good time. We were disappointed that they didn't have carousel nor carnival games despite the fact both were shown on the website for the festival.
  8. I had to look that one up. It pains me dearly that it costs more than I want to spend on a watch right now.
  9. Congrats to everyone and the food looks delicious, Mike.
  10. Took my daughter to her infant swim class at the local Y this morning. I enjoyed it but now I smell like chlorine.
  11. I was looking at adapter/cables to connect my old MacBook (broken LCD) to my TV and came across both mini-DVI to DVI (female) and mini-DVI to HDMI (female) cables. Is there any reasons to pick one over the other?
  12. Yesterday, but moved things around so my broken-LCD-MacBook is now half-way connected to my TV/HT, along with all the external drives (along with direct connection to my router). Part of my effort to (slowly) clean out one of the rooms and free up my old (old) iMac for possible sale. Now I need to find mini-DVI adaptors so I can actually hook it up to my TV.
  13. There's this one for $700, though not all black. http://www.nixonnow.com/watches/elite/the-automatic-sr-A006.html
  14. ^ Glad to see you're safe, Knuckles. Any damage to your house/property? I doubt we'll get anything around here, though it's been under the tornado watch for several hours now. As I'm typing this, thundering has started but no rain or much wind. Oh, to illustrate the priority in this state, the station just changed over to the Stanley Cup Final from tracking the storm/tornado.
  15. After getting home, I checked the UPS website to find out the closing time for the local customer center. I went out to the said customer center after dinner to ship couple of packages, only to find that its actual closing time is 2 hours earlier than it was listed on the website. Stupid UPS.
  16. Most stores, including Apple Store, won't cover water damage under warranty or replacement plans (and they all have sticker/sensor thingies so the techs can tell if it's been in water). I'm not saying you shouldn't try it with Apple Store, but I would be surprised if they offered a replacement. And glad to hear Jack's is okay. You're scaring me, btw, as I'm taking my daughter to her swim class (as much a class as it can be for a 1 year old) this weekend.
  17. ^ That sounds nice, Todd. We took our daughter to her first zoo (Stone Zoo in Stoneham, MA). Neither myself or my wife had gone to this particular zoo previously so we didn't know what to expect, but it was rather disappointing to say the least. At least our daughter appeared to get a kick out of seeing monkeys and huge hornbills.
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