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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Yes, but when I moved to 7d (was using 50d before that, so not much weight difference), I could still shoot without pain (nor did I experience prolonged period of pain afterward). The tendinosis has gotten steadily worse since then. My doctors and OT have basically told me that at this point (6 months of not getting better), it's likely that the condition is semi-permanent. Availability of viewfinder is the reason I'm considering Micro 4/3 over other mirrorless systems. It's just as likely that I'll just pop few OTC painkillers whenever I'm going to be shooting for some time and deal with the pain as it'll be just as painful (figuratively speaking) to lose the speed/performance of a SLR. Technically, this is a fault of Sigma, not Canon.
  2. Anyone here have any experience with Micro 4/3 systems? I'm semi-seriously considering moving to something that weighs less than my Canon as the tendonitis in my left hand gets severely aggravated anytime I shoot for decent amount of time. I thought about other mirrorless systems, but Micor 4/3 (and 4/3) appears to be the only mirrorless systems that doesn't force you to use the LCD to compose your shots (it doesn't hurt that just announced PEN E-P3's supposed performance doesn't look bad). I suppose I could tough it out and wait for the rumored Canon mirrorless, though who knows if/when it will actually happen.
  3. ^ I Think that's an excuse to go grab a new MBP or something to tide you over till that 16-core Mac Pro comes out.
  4. Well, the site appears to be down right now. Which is probably good for my wallet.
  5. Yet another Yuengling.
  6. On the same token, would the Sigma autofocus beyond 280mm, when it hits f/6, assuming you don't have a 1-series body?
  7. INTERVIEW-Canon considering compact mirrorless camera
  8. Considering the well-documented focusing problems Sigma lenses have with Canon bodies, I'd never buy one without having several copies on hand that you can test out. There's also a chance of Sigma lenses not working with future Canon bodies, since they reverse-engineer as opposed to licensing from Canon. Also, Canon 100-400 has IS (2-3 stops, iirc). On a completely different note, bluebirds were back at my in-laws' backyard again this year. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to grab my glasses or put in my contacts, so I ended up taking the below shot at f/2 when I thought I had stopped down to f/4.'
  9. ^ Cute dog. The shot reminds me of one of the first shot I took with a dslr.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Drove back from the in-laws after spending the last two days there for the annual 4th of July cookout. Great food and great time were had by all, though we're happy to be back in our own place relaxing.
  13. This'll teach me to visit my in-laws who has rather spotty/slow internet connection. Nice score, though.
  14. Used BlackRapid RS-7 all day today at my in-laws' annual 4th of July party and I liked it a lot. I think I've got a keeper.
  15. Torchlight. This Steam summer sale is going to nickel and dime to death.
  16. Argh - not exactly what I/my wallet wanted to hear.
  17. I'd grab a Fuji X100 in a heartbeat if my fund allowed it. Or NEX5 if it had a fast prime in a somewhat normal FL.
  18. Thanks to Knuckles, Bioshock and Bioshock 2. For $5 each, I couldn't pass up.
  19. Added to the pile of games I will eventually get to, right after I finish playing the other games in the said pile.
  20. Thanks. I wish I had stopped down a bit more, but hindsight is 20/20.
  21. Could be worse, I think, though I did step on a piece of broken glass this morning as well.
  22. Just broke my vacuum - right before getting to the carpets. We'll see if it's worth getting fixed or better off just getting a new one.
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