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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Well, just bought both HIB3 and HIB2 games. Thanks, Knuckles.
  2. 70-200 f/4 sounds good. Maybe I'll win a scratch ticket by then and gets to buy myself a copy (doubtful ). That's a nice price for 85/1.8, especially since the used price for it seems to be have gone up a bit of late.
  3. And here's some of the info in regards to mail/telephone/internet sales from the FTC. Business Guide to the Mail and Telephone Order Merchandise Rule
  4. ^ I wonder how many of them Canon will actually sell. On a completely unrelated note, I'm planning on visiting the Bronx Zoo in couple of weeks and was wondering if anyone had suggestion for a lens for me to rent? I haven't been to a real zoo in few years so I don't remember how far away the critters are. Oh, and right now, I've got 10-22, 35/2, 50/1.8, and 85/1.8.
  5. Congrats, Reks!
  6. A new gas dryer. This is how we use up all of our fun money.
  7. Started doing some laundry after getting home from work and the dryer died in the middle of drying the first load. Predictably, there's a washer full of diapers as well.
  8. IIRC from the time I needed to get money back from Mikhail, it's well past the amount time that is allowed by FTC to have the item delivered, i.e., Ric should be entitled to his refund.
  9. Thermos Travel Mug w/ 360 degree lid. It's not that exciting, but being able to drink from anywhere on the lid is awesome and I've been using one for several years now (so not really new, but it's one of my favorite things).
  10. Not surprising, considering Verizon and T-Mobile are already doing similar things.
  11. Is the search working for anyone? I get no return regardless of what I search. I apologize if this was already mentioned.
  12. Nice, Jeff! I wonder if they'll give me a new MacBook if I brought my ancient broken MacBook.
  13. Got another brace for my left wrist/thumb. Hope this one works better.
  14. I've been getting the save bug every time on Safari 5.1. EDIT - Of course, I don't get the save bug for this post.
  15. ^ I think the move was a good one, long term. They're going into a complete tear-it-down-and-start-over rebuilding mode, so it's better to get something for Pence than hang onto to him and hope he'll still be producing (and cheap) in few years when the team (hopefully) will be competing again.
  16. ^ FWIW, I've had no real issues with Lion on my MBP. The only issue I initially had (wifi not connecting quickly to service when waking up) went away when I changed the order of priority in the preferences.
  17. I have the best deal - I wash & dry our laundry and my wife folds them/put them away.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. ^ Funny, though I'm sure I'd get something like that if we had outdoor cats. Outdoor cats around here tend to become coyote food so ours stay inside.
  21. I've (along with few others here) pretty much stopped using tapatalk once HC moved to the current forum software. Too buggy/unpredictable and mobile theme for the site is not too shabby.
  22. Tell me about it. It's all going to the increased cost of daycare now that we won't have a (relatively speaking) cheap onsite daycare come end-of-August.
  23. Finally got off my lazy ass and got our mortgage refinancing done. We should be saving couple hundred dollars a month now.
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