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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Damnit, Colin, you give me the 8th pick? At least you got me in at 2nd pick for the second league.
  2. Nice! I've go a Vitamix as well and it is definitely one of my best purchases.
  3. Fine with me.
  4. The benefit of ordering directly from TT is that they give you free gift assuming you spend enough. Of course, since TT is based in CA and I'm in MA, the extra shipping cost ends up costing close to (or more than) the said gift.
  5. Thanks for the offer, Shelly. I should be good as things from Adorama usually gets here in a day. Also, I'm too fat to fit into a S-M sized belt. Hopefully, M-L size will work.
  6. ^ Yeah, we've been getting quite a bit of rain up here up well. Oh a completely unrelated note, I found out that I don't have hemachromatosis. I'm happy that I can continue to eat red meat.
  7. Got this today - I'm really liking it except the belt is too big, despite measuring my waist as suggested. I ordered a smaller one and re-packed the one I received so I can return it.
  8. It turns out that my brother-in-law now has to work this Saturday, so we cancelled our planned visit down to NYC. At least now we don't have to worry about the weather since we were planning on spending the day at the Bronx Zoo (it would've been Libby's first real zoo visit).
  9. Woot-Off today
  10. Great news, Dusty!
  11. Yeah, I've been checking the weather and it doesn't look good. I wish we could reschedule, but we're mainly visiting my brother-in-law so we'll probably end up going regardless of the weather. Hopefully, we can find some fun indoor place for our daughter (preferably somewhere I can use the 70-200 f/4 I rented) since it wouldn't be fun trying to entertain her if we are stuck at my brother-in-law's place (never been there, too many breakables/antiques).
  12. Think Tank Pro Speed Belt and Digital Holster 20. If this setup works, I can get rid of my 6MDH. Hope it won't rain in NY this weekend when I'm at the zoo.
  13. Thanks for the pics, Shelly - they're really helpful in showing the differences between the two. Think Tank really should have the pic of the different belts sitting side by side by side.
  14. Lens rental from lensrentals.com
  15. Just to reiterate, I used the "de-authorize all computers" option couple of months ago and it didn't stop me from doing it again earlier today.
  16. Tuxedo rental for my brother-in-law's wedding.
  17. Oh, and after 8pm (EST) would be the best for me since by then, my daughter *should* be sleeping.
  18. ^ Are you sure there's a limit on "de-authorizing all computers" on iTunes? I had to do it once this year when I bought my MBP (my long dead & gone iBook was still connected to the account) and it didn't stop from trying to de-authorizing all computers again when I tried it just now. EDIT - Never mind, just saw an Apple Support article on it. I wonder why it didn't try to stop me from de-authorizing my computers, though.
  19. One day I cannot attend for certain is 9/1 (Thursday). Aside from that, I should be fine, though I'd prefer it not be on Monday.
  20. Hope you feel better after some sleep, Fitz. Went out to a local fair yesterday. We had a lot of fun and ate some unhealthily fair food as well. This unfortunately was followed by probably the worst experience we've had in trying to get our daughter to sleep for the night. Much to our dismay, she woke up at the usual time (6am) instead of sleeping in bit longer.
  21. Damn, Todd, you're making me really hungry.
  22. Glad to hear your dad's improving, Al. Here's hoping it keeps going that way. Yay for squeek-free drying!
  23. I I think I'm out of vodka. Although I'm pretty sure I have some Highland Park or Green Label left, along with all the necessary parts for make Long Island Iced Tea.
  24. Robitussin Night Time (generic) for the damn horrible cough that just haven't gone away. At least I have a doctor's appointment on Monday.
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