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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Went out to look at dogs at a local shelter - Libby had a great time seeing all the dogs and cats. We saw a St. Bernard that we really liked but unfortunately, her medical needs prevented us from considering her.
  2. Well, the first quarter of the game has ended and they've combined to score a whopping 0 points. This should be good.
  3. This. Also, I wonder what they're planing on telling those folks who already has a JH3A (or whatever it is as it appears they've changed the amp design yet again).
  4. Which suitcase one did you get, Jeff? I just used a Streetwalker HardDrive this past week as a carry-on for my camera/laptop gears and it worked out really well. The backpack is actually bit big if I was just carrying my camera gears, but the extra space allows me to carry the lenses in its pouches and miscellaneous gears.
  5. I'm lucky I actually remembered to fix the lineup earlier as I completely forgot about it today (Sunday) in the midst of packing/checking out/flying back home. Let's see if a QB, a RB, and a K can score 22 points for me Monday night.
  6. I got home and looked around just in case that I actually left the lens here, but no such luck. While the lens wasn't exactly cheap, it's not worth the trouble/cost of going through home owners insurance, especially after hearing/reading about folks getting their policy cancelled/not renewed when they were deemed "high risk" after claiming photo gears loss/damage. Our daughter's first birthday party was pretty darn low-key. We basically had a cookout with some family members (grandparents, aunts and uncles) with the addition of balloons, gifts, and cakes. Libby and I both actually were asleep for about half of the party as I fell asleep while I was trying to put her down for a shot nap, which turned out to be a long nap.
  7. Unfortunately, I didn't find the lens. I'm thinking it probably tumbled out of my non-camera bacpack (in its pouch) while I was out somewhere and I obviously didn't notice it. Annoying thing is, I didn't use it at all (combination of laziness and chasing around my daughter) so I could've just left it at home.
  8. ^ On that note, I don't usually type on mine when it's sitting on the Rain stand - I use a separate keyboard for that, but I agree that when I have done some light typing, it was pretty solid.
  9. Packing my bags as we're flying back to MA today from vacation. Found out yesterday that I'm missing one of my lenses. While I looked at all the places it could be, couldn't do a comprehensive search as it was my brother-in-law's wedding day (the reason we were down here in the first place). It may turn up today while we're packing today, but I'm not holding out much hope at this point. This is turning out to be more expensive vacation than initially planned.
  10. Yep, the Gay Dolphin Gift Cove was shot in Myrtle Beach when we decided to walk around the boardwalk for a bit after picking up my tux. Rest of them were shot in/around Pawleys Island where we're staying, except for the SuckBangBlow - that was shot through a car window when we saw it on our way back from Myrtle Beach yesterday.
  11. Some pics from this week as we're down in South Carolina for a wedding/vacation. Really wish I had a tripod - this was the best I could do with a stair railing, a stick, and hoping like hell one shot is in focus. The last two were shot for mild amusement factor.
  12. Giottos Rocket Air Blasters. I already had one but Libby decided that it is a good toy and proceeded to break it.
  13. As the Monkey said in the other thread, I find myself sadder than I thought I would be - R.I.P., Steve.
  14. Nice shots, Jeff. I really gotta get down to Bronx Zoo one of these days with my camera.
  15. This was actually yesterday, but we took Libby out to her first real beach - she thought this was the best thing in the whole wide world. Thus far, this vacation is working out well for Libby.
  16. Exactly what I did, though I ended up getting a SmugMug account as well since sharing a private pictures with family/friends is a lot easier with SmugMug than with Flickr.
  17. A filter pouch to replace the plastic filter case I ruined yesterday in the Atlantic.
  18. I've been using the mStand with my 15" MBP for a while now and it's been rock solid/stable, though admittedly, I've yet to whack the side of my MBP while it's been on the stand. Oh, and I'm not sure if this would matter to you or not, but supposedly, the cable hole in the back isn't large enough to accommodate Apple DVI cable.
  19. Sorry to hear about your coworker, Raffy.
  20. A rather expensive and spectacularly mediocre chicken salad sandwich at airport.
  21. Damnit, Steve, why can't I find a contractor like you around here? Oh, and I'm sitting at an airport waiting for our flight while watching my fantasy football teams get slaughtered. Also, congrats to the new mom and dad!
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