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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Jebus, both of my teams are sucking it up today.
  2. Yesterday, we went to a food truck festival at a local race track entirely too long for them as well. Also, there was a kids playground right by the track which struck me as bit odd. EDIT - something happened while I was trying to edit this post and it deleted half of what I posted.
  3. Highly doubtful considering he almost never grants/ed permission to use his work (or likeness) on merchandises.
  4. ^ Speaking of fancy P&S, I really want to try out the upcoming X10. Too bad the damn thing is going to be around $600.
  5. Damn you, Deepak. I was hoping no one else saw that Maclin was on the waivers.
  6. x2 Damn, Al, once again, you don't mess around.
  7. Another thing about pancakes are that they're prime lenses. Prime lenses don't appeal to the general public/consumers, which for the most part is what NEX lineup has been targeting, rather than enthusiasts/pros.
  8. ^ I'll take it. I was expecting to lose both games this week, so a tie and a win is a nice surprise.
  9. Nice to see them decreasing the megapixels for a change. Maybe 5d3 (or whatever it will be called) won't have a 30+ mp sensor. Then there's rumored D800 that's supposed to have 36mp sensor.
  10. Yeah, the consultant gave me a rough estimate of ~ 3 months (closing would be sometime in January) for the whole process. We sent in all the paperworks that were needed so the rate is locked in now, at least. Hope the MRI wasn't too annoying.
  11. Talked with a mortgage consultant to get the refinancing process started. We had started this couple of months ago, but didn't finish it as we decided to change some things around (e.g., consolidate some of our loans, etc). The overall number was pretty good, though it'll be a 2-3 months process.
  12. I guess I should update my iMac before it does something horrible, then.
  13. It's J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) and George R.R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire).
  14. No problems with the update/upgrade so far and my iPhone 4 definitely feels snappier than before. FWIW, I like the notification system on the iPhone.
  15. For the Nikon users - Nikon USA is raising their price. http://www.the-digital-picture.com/News/News-Post.aspx?News=1303
  16. Almost 8 hours after I started, I'm finally done and have the damn phone working the way I want. I had an expired MobileMe account and that sure didn't help the process. I may very well be imagining it at this point, but my phone feels bit snappier now. I'll see if I feel the same way later today when I've had some sleep.
  17. How did you fix the account issue, Nate? My iPhone finally finished updating, but now all the apps are in the wrong place and most of my groups are gone (though I think this was mostly issue on my end since I never really synced with my laptop).
  18. Well, it appears to be working now for me. Let's see if the whole thing will go without crashing.
  19. Downloading the update now - it's telling me it's going to take 2 hours. We'll see how it goes.
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