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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. I gave up trying to get used to it and reversed the direction of the indicator and dials. Now my brain won't keep yelling at me that "+" should be on the right and "-" should be on the left, as I was taught for years in math classes. As for zoom and focus direction, no problems for me since I don't own zooms and I don't really manual focus that often. Putting on/taking off lens does confuse me, though. It doesn't help that just about everything else around is "righty tighty, lefty loosey."
  2. Completely forgetting that Nikon's exposure meter is opposite from Canon's, spent the last two hours shooting at -1/3 exposure compensation when I meant to be shooting at +1/3.
  3. Anyone know where this is?
  4. ^ I thought you were kidding when you posted about using a 50 1.8G on a Canon.
  5. http://harmlesshunter.com/
  6. I bought one, though i've yet to receive a receipt for it.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday, Al!
  9. Just doesn't look right. Reminds me of Montana in the Chiefs uniform.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. ^ You guys are making me hungry. I can't wait till I'm off soft/liquid diet!
  12. ^ Looking at that makes me nauseous.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Had my problematic tooth taken care of, though it became a surgical extraction as opposed to a root canal. My wallet is happy about that one.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. So I wasn't going crazy when I thought I heard some thunder a bit back. Hey, at least you may get to use that generator this winter, right?
  18. Heh, I did this with my best friend back in UMass. It actually does work.
  19. This. Thanks for the well wishes on the tooth, guys. Of course, I found out we made an error when we picked our dental insurance way back last year (i.e., took the plan with lower coverage than intended) so the out of pocket expense will be wee bit painful.
  20. I like it. How does one acquire a chainsaw-wielding gnome?
  21. Scheduled for my root canal. By this time Friday, I should be (mostly) pain free.
  22. Samples photos do look nice, but the whole AF and EVF issues as noted here and elsewhere (along with same horrible manual focusing as X100) are disappointing, especially for the cost. EDIT- Nate, it'll be $2300 if you actually want to take photos with it ($1700 for body and $600 for a lens).
  23. Same here. Not that I'm complaining, but it does make me worry for a one last good storm before March/April is over.
  24. In my defense, it's listing both windows and Mac versions. But I do like my civ games and after a quick run last night, I think I'm going to enjoy it as much as civ 3, which I played to death back in the day.
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