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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. ^ I've seen some "leaked" specs and they seem bit odd to me. Assuming the spec is true, it would mean Canon will have 3 different full frame sensors, not to mention AF appears to be basically that of 60D.
  3. It's a good thing I no longer have a 13" laptop.
  4. Sounds good.
  5. The player just needs to be designated "out" by his team. It's hardly the league system's fault that no NFL team like to give out accurate injury information.
  6. Congrats, Dan! Took our daughter to Museum of Science in Boston, using much discounted tickets from the town library. She's still bit young for the place, but much fun was had especially at the museum's more hands-on exhibits. Now (technically since last night) having minor ulcer-like symptoms after dinner. Joy.
  7. ^ I will make certain not to show those to my wife, who is not particularly fond of many-legged bugs.
  8. Congrats, Raffy!
  9. Can I use him as my RB?
  10. Same here, in the league 1. At least I still have a shot at winning. I think it largely depends on whether The Law Firm gets the goal line carries or not. With PPR in place, Green will get his points.
  11. Predictably, my backup QB scored 31 points last night. Here's hoping my starter will score some points before he leaves in 1st quarter with an injury.
  12. I've still got two Trackmans (Trackmen?) that I use. My mother has that wireless model Dusty linked to and while it's close, it's not quite the same as Trackman when it comes to how it feel in your hand (button placement, trackball feel, etc.). While I still preferred Trackman, the wireless model wasn't bad, though YMMV. I use Kensington Expert Mouse as my main trackball, though that thing not something I'd carry around with my laptop.
  13. At least you didn't end up with MJD and Vick. Rice will probably end up being the runner in the league with PPR in place now.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Probably won't be able to make it to either drafts now. :palm; Hopefully, the autobot won't give me three kickers.
  16. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, dead at 82.
  17. I'm good with two leagues - 14 teams league would be brutal.
  18. Thursday night is a no go for me.
  19. Yep, that's what I meant.
  20. ^ Just noticed many and weird misspelling/working on my post. Thank you autocorrect on iPhone.
  21. Good point. Too bad since it would've been nice to keep Graham and Gronkowski for 10th and 12th round picks, while askin do Ariel change to include TE in the flex position.
  22. 12 teams/1 league would be fine with me. In this case, would we still be doing keepers?
  23. Happy Birthday, Matt!
  24. Yeah, I'm ok. I was stopped at an exit ramp, which was at an slight downhill, behind the said tractor-trailer. I then see the tractor-trailer is slowly moving back towards me. I tried in vain to get out of its way while honking my horn, but I really had nowhere to go with cars behind me and no room on the side. Apparently, the driver of the tractor-trailer let go of the brake a bit assuming it won't roll uphill, but he was wrong. At least he quickly stepped on a brake before it broke anything substantial on my car. Now I need to file accident reports. Joy.
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