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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. FWIW, I've had to contact Amazon couple of times in the past for items that were never delivered (thanks, Lasership) and in all instances, they've either refunded me or sent me replacement item overnight.
  2. I always have a UV filter on (B&W MRC, for the most part) and usually lens hood as well on the basis that filters/hoods are much cheaper to replace than my lenses.
  3. It didn't work with the supplied modem and my understanding is something to do with how your installer did the installation - via coax or ethernet cable. I wasn't home during installation, so I couldn't specify what I wanted and installation was done via coax. Assuming you don't want to deal with getting an installer to come again to make physical changes, I've been told that one can change/tweak settings so that you can use your own router (in place of the modem if you don't have their TV service, or behind the modem if you have their TV service ) but the provided modem/router works well enough for my purpose and supports 802.11n so I never bothered.
  4. Then there's TOEFL which all the schools I applied to made me take despite the fact I'd been in US for 16 years at that point and was doing just fine academically in high school. Hopefully, they make exceptions now-a-days.
  5. Got a tree then went out to Five Guys for dinner before we start our healthier food plan tomorrow.
  6. Another vote here. I'd have kept mine if it weren't for the fact it doesn't work with FiOS modem as is.
  7. So I'm not sure how likely that someone will have this combination, but if you have a ZAGG InvisibleSHILED on your iPad, I'd avoid getting SmartSuit from Joy Factory or any of their case with front cover (and get a different screen protector than InvisibleSHILED if you already have a Joy Factory case). Whatever dye they use on the front cover gets absorbed by InvisibleSHILED, leaving faint lines matching the folding crease on the cover. Joy Factory is aware of this fact and they're sending me their own screen protector free of charge that supposedly does not exhibit this problem.
  8. I hear you. I signed a two-year contract with them when FiOS became available in my area, knowing that we weren't going to be moving anywhere and wasn't going back to Comcrap. Well, as soon as the contract ended, the price for the bundle we had (which no longer existed) went up. At least FiOS provides me with the speed I'm paying for as opposed to Comcrap which never really even got close.
  9. This. And Home Sharing is still not working. Argh.
  10. FYI, if you're talking about USPS international surface mail, they no longer offer that option and haven't for 5 years or so.
  11. Nate, what's your price point? I've switched over to m43 a while back for variety of reasons (tendenitis, weight, etc.) and I've been happy with the switch. If you don't need an OVF, the new Olympus PL-5 really looks nice with same sensor and focus speed as OM-D, and its touchscreen focus/shutter should be a really nice feature (assuming it functions like the one on OM-D). I never thought I'd use it when I first got my OM-D, but I probably use it just as much as regular shutter now. As for lenses, I've no real help, since I only used 25/1.4 and 45/1.8. The 45/1.8 is really a nice lens, especially for the price, with fast AF and great IQ. The 25/1.4 is a nice lens as well, but bit overpriced IMO. The consensus best value lens for m43 is Panasonic 14/2.5 pancake, which can be had new for less than $200 on eBay.
  12. Unless they've improved their construction, I'd avoid going with translucent. It bothered me that I could clearly see various imperfections (bubbles, lines, etc.) on my pair when I still had them. You may not care about that, but I figured I'd mention it.
  13. Took my daughter out to a playground. Proceeded to whack my head real good on one of the structures. Now I've a nice sized bump on my head along with huge headache.
  14. Congrats, CJ! Good luck, Jacob! Oh, and we went out to a local Greek restaurant since dining-in is 59% off there today thanks to Patriots.
  15. Funny thig is I remember the phone being snappier after updating to iOS 6 but the performance has since degraded. I'll see if hard reset and restore will fix it.
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