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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Tried to get tickets to fly down to see my friends in Atlanta, only to find out they cost far more than I was expecting (more than twice what I paid to fly down just couple of years ago). It would be one thing if it was just one ticket, but with 3 tickets needed this time around, I may have to change my plan.
  2. ^ Every time you mention that lens, I die a little inside for not having a Nikon rig anymore.
  3. Problems supposeldy only arise with trying to stick a 6g ssd or hd (though it should be backward compatible) into the optical bay. Why not stick ssd in main bay and hd in the optical bay? IIRC, there are ways to configure the drives so you can have data (e.g., documents, music, movies, downloads, etc) be located in hd while having system files and apps on ssd seemelssly.
  4. FYI, 13" MBP optical bay doesn't support 6g speed (and some reports that it doesn't work properly when 6g drives are installed there). YMMV.
  5. Personally, I never saw m43 as a pocketable solution, unless you were going to stick with pancake lenses (3 that exists - Panny 14/2.5, 20/1.7, and Oly 17/2.8 ). Even then, one would need a fairly large pocket/jacket to carry it. My main aim was reduction in weight and size without sacrificing too much on the IQ, which it accomplished really well IME. I agree on the prime lens/ultra-wide zoom pricing, with couple of exceptions (14/2.5 and 45/1.8 ), good/great primes on m43 are pricey. The two ultra-wide zooms will set you back 700 or 900 before tax/shipping. I was really hoping for Sigma to introduce fast primes, but they inexplicably decided to just update their 2.8 primes.
  6. I don't think I'll be ditching my E-M5 and going back to DSLR anytime soon - IBIS and touchscreen focus/shooting will be too hard to lose for my use, not to mention the weight difference for my tendinitic wrists (the initial driving force on the move to m43 rig). Unless, of course, CaNikon incorporates those features and magically reduces the weight of their equipment (or cures my tendinitis). I still really miss 35L and 105DC, though.
  7. ^ I saw those, too. While I've never have had to send anything camera related for a service/repair, their recent experience with Nikon is bit worrisome to read. Still, if I were going back for a dSLR, D600 would be really hard to resist - after using D700 and 5D2, I much preferred the ergonomics of D700.
  8. ^ Unless things have changed drastically in the past year, generally in the same ballpark for most of them. Each one has few lenses that other doesn't have, so if you need lenses from one that other doesn't offer, the choice is made for you. On a related note, my understanding is that currently generation FF Nikons have better sensors (made by Sony) than current generation FF Canons.
  9. May finally have to get myself a twitter account that I won't actually use (just like my facebook account).
  10. Yeah, but I think we've all been saying that for 2 years now.
  11. Except that there are very limited number of TB devices that come with multiple ports.
  12. Damnit, I either forgot or didn't know that you'd made a separate, dedicated thread for this. Dan, is your broadcast usually on Fridays?
  13. I'm not certain if its since the last forum update, but embedded videos are no longer showing up on my iPad 4 and iPhone 4. Where there should be videos (or at least some kind of placeholder for them), there are just empty spaces. Both iPad and iPhone are running iOS 6.1. Oh, and fwiw, I can still see embedded videos on other sites (e.g., local news paper site), but not here.
  14. At that point, I'd just buy Apple Thunderbolt monitor.
  15. ^ Really tempting - only if it had another Thunderbolt port.
  16. Still sad I missed out on that orange tube amp.
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