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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Damn, that's a fantastic deal. You can't even find one used at the price yet.
  2. Jeff, did you get RX100 or RX100 II? My EXIF viewer seems to be confused. Also, how do you like it?
  3. In League One, it looks like I'm going to regret using CJ. You'd think he'd score more than he has in a PPR league. I'm back to .500 on League Two, but only because Tyler didn't adjust his starters. Nate - it's hard to win when your opponent scores 188 points.
  4. Damn, Jeff. 188 points? I'm glad I got you on your down week.
  5. Neither film nor camera were there. _HDL7568 by Haj Okuda, on Flickr
  6. And just like that, it showed up on my email when I tried it again.
  7. When I tried this method in the past, I just couldn't make it work. Obvioulsy an user error or two somewhere on my end, but I wasn't patient enough to figure it out. Did either of you get an activation code via e-mail or does it work without it? Oh, and Reks, 24-85/3.5-4.5 is really a decent lens. Especially when one considers how cheaply one can be acquired. That said, Tamron 24-70/2.8 is tempting me as well.
  8. Thanks again for the link - managed to the bypass the switch as per the video. I'll be replacing the switch since upon taking a closer looking at it, plastic casing for it is breaking.
  9. Aside from having a proper cover art for movies? None that I've found. I usually add cover art as I add movies to iTunes library so not a huge issue for me.
  10. Thanks for the tip - duct tape I have plenty and good to know I can just bypass/short the switch altogether.
  11. I'm certain that it's a broken/old switch. There was a loose metal plate right under the switch and I could make the washer go into spin cylcle if I jammed my finger and jiggled the switch. I'm hoping I can find the part or someone that can repair since the washer is old. At least I have few days before needing a washer since it stopped working while I was doing my last load.
  12. Found our washing machine dead in middle of a wash cycle, luckily, there weren't to many clothes in there. Hopefully, we can get it repaired at a reasonable cost since we really don't want to buy a new washing machine.
  13. Of course, from fantasy football standpoint, I hope the change of scenery does wonders for his performance.
  14. Yeah, I fully expected a bit of slow down on iPhone 4 and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting so that's a plus. And all the little changes they made is really nice for my use.
  15. iOS 7 is working well with my iPad 4 for the most part, though it was having some issue with the Bluetooth keyboard which seemed to have resolved itself now. On my iPhone 4, it "feels" slower than it did on iOS 6, especially when an app is first opened.
  16. I just don't think he is a real running back, at least not one worth a 1st round pick. I also think the traded pick will be a mid-round, or earlier, as I fully expect Colts to do worse win-loss record-wise. One could argue that Richardson suffered behind a poor line (and in poor offense) in Cleveland, but Colts offensive line isn't anything to write home about either. Moreover, Colts probably could've gotten him with a lower round pick or two, though Irsay didn't help the matter by loudly tweeting they're in a market for a RB.
  17. I still can't believe Colts just wasted a 1st round pick.
  18. It's impossible to tell which movie is what on iPad without a proper cover art now - movie titles are no longer shown below.
  19. That sucks, Knucks. Today, I got a voicemail from hand surgeon's office telling me they had a cancellation, so if I want, I could come in today (as opposed to waiting until end of November). Unfortunately, I didn't get the call/voicemail until it was too late since I work in an ancient Faraday cage of a building.
  20. ^ In the defense of the "experts," RG3 played horrendously. He just happens to pick up some numbers during the garbage time - and, of course, fantasy doesn't care how the numbers are earned. I was surprised that I pulled out a win in the League 1 with AP scoring only 9 points. Then there were my starting TEs - after scoring over 60 points combined last week, they couldn't crack double digit combined.
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