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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. ^ They did the same thing with NEX-7, named it Lunar, and priced it at $6.5K. They even had Buzz Aldrin for its launch event, iirc.
  3. Well, hope you don't drop it anytime soon. I thought about getting another Otterbox Defender but the damn thing makes the phone really bulky, and obviously won't work with the fingerprint sensor.
  4. ^ I guess they felt left out with introductions of Zeiss 55/1.4 @ $4K, Sony Zeiss 50/1.4 @ $1.5K, and Sony Zeiss 50/1.8 @ $1K.
  5. Better safe than sorry.
  6. Yep. Basically, there are no other options for new customers. Current customers are obviously grandfathered in and can make changes to their voice/data plans. I think this (along with Verizon already doing the same thing) effectively stops a lot of current AT&T customers form switching to Verizon and vice versa.
  7. Just read that AT&T is making their Mobile Share plan mandatory for new customers starting in 10/25/13, just as Verizon had done when they introduced Share Everything plan. On a separate note, anyone get Apple leather case for 5s? Any thoughts?
  8. Oh, for fuck's sake, Peavy.
  9. Good luck on the air travel!
  10. Along with $1300 price tag and a weight of 1.8 pounds. And as Reks said, the sensor is small - ~1/8 the size of full frame sensors and ~1/3 the size of APS-C sensors. In terms of depth of field, I think it's close to f/8 in full frame, assuming I have numbers right.
  11. And Koji comes through again!
  12. Just like that, 1-0 Sox!
  13. This again. I may have to ask for an orange cast if I ever break anything.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Here's hoping for quick recovery and no cast for Zoe, Brent.
  16. ^ So they have precisely 1 fast prime and no fast zoom actually planned. You'd think they'd at least have one exciting lens to go along with its release. It looks like Sony is going to repeat what they've done with NEX system as far as lenses are concerned.
  17. ^ So Sony will now have 2 lens lineups without lenses, unless those FF mirrorless bodies work (well) with current A-mount lenses - even though using current A-mount lenses would kill one of the benefits of having a mirrorless body.
  18. First world problem, but woke up to find my iPhone no longer taking charge. Did the usual tricks/procedures to no avail. I'm guessing I won't have a functioning phone by sometime tomorrow. I'm hoping 5s will get back in stock soon, but I may be waiting for 2-3 weeks.
  19. Went out for yet another apple picking. Just like the other apple picking outings, we saw a lot of iPads/tablets and Asian families. I'm not sure why, but we see more Asian families whenever we go apple picking - maybe the farm we go for picking is popular with Asian families in the area. It always throws me off a bit when I here conversations in Japanese while picking apples.
  20. ....and I'm going to regret sitting Stafford today. I should've known better than to trust Browns.
  21. I can't believe I may be starting 3 Jacksonville players.
  22. Shelly, this is what I told Jacob about Tamron 24-70 2.8 VC when I had that lens in my house.
  23. ^ In the same boat here, Jacob (except the shutter - mine was replaced after I sent it to Nikon). I'm thinking for folks who may need a second body or a really cheap FX body, a used D600 will probably be really attractive soon. I'm guessing it'll break $1000 before the end of the year.
  24. The D610 release will most likely kill the market for used D600, which already was taking a hit for a while. In a month or two, you'll probably be able to find screaming deals on them, especially if you can find one without oil/debris issue or one that's had the shutter mechanism replaced (which is what Nikon started doing to D600 returned for oil/debris issue). Also - holy poop, the used price on a 35L has come down significantly of late.
  25. Took another sick day with a flu. Now it's finally starting to feel better - good thing, too, since I've got a meeting I can't miss tomorrow.
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