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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Are you making a 4-channel or 6-channel one? Here's hoping I'll have my single-ended Beta22 and you'll have your balanced Beta22 completed before the next area meet - whenever that may be.
  2. Listening to Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.
  3. Congrats, Ethan! I hope you're either setting up or listening to your new toys now!
  4. Not at all anymore. I was okay with it, but using Dvorak at home while using QWERTY at work made my typing slower with both keyboard, so I stopped using Dvorak at home (made playing game a pain, too). I may start re-learning it now that I found a keyboard skin that has Dvorak key layout preprinted that I can use with my keyboard. I think Dvorak is supposed to be easier on your hands/fingers.
  5. Nope, it's a pic of my own laptop. Link to the Wiki pic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:IBook_with_DVORAK.JPG
  6. Try taking out the battery, put it back, and power it up again. That usually does the trick for me when my cellphone starts acting up.
  7. I love my vinyl setup, too, though I love my digital setup just as much. I'm probably replacing my current tube phonostage (ARC PH3) with a solid state one later in the summer. Hopefully, I'll be done after that and when β22 arrives to serve as my headphone/preamp. Then I'll think adding more vinyls to my collection. Hmm, maybe I'll pick up ton of vinyls instead of getting into DIY.
  8. Man, I wish I was still living in Japan. I was looking at their Japanese website and they go around the country holding mini-listening sessions at various locations.
  9. Keep us posted if you get to listen to the laser turntable.
  10. You need one of these. http://www.elpj.com/
  11. jpak - once you get the leatherheads and the Cardas paper, if you can scan the Cardas paper, I'll be able to read it for you.
  12. I didn't even see the change - I had to go back a page to check it Good one, Reks!
  13. I'm currently working on whether or not to get into DIY or not. My heart says yes, and my wallet says no. LOL.
  14. Hmm, thanks for the notice, Nate. I think I'm gonna go read soon on my lunch break - as oppsed to now, when I'm really supposed to be getting though piles of paperwork.
  15. Here's the URL in case you have difficulty finding it. The review's 3 or 4 years old now, I think. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44488
  16. Have you checked the comparative review by Kuma on HF?
  17. Dang, you guys talking about 4070 is making me wish I had kept my KGSS DX. Ah, if someone would only make top-tier closed cans that actually blocked sound in and out.
  18. BTW, I really like the symmetry and that 4-pin XLR jack. I've never liked dual 3-pin XLR's for balanced headphone applications - too heavy and cumbersome. EDTI - Orange LEDs are nice, too.
  19. Nice! So how does the D5000 sound balanced out of it?
  20. It's like that K1000 that's gone through multiple members here. I wonder how many others are experiencing sloppy thirds/fourth/fifth...
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