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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. You're just going to bed? I've been up for an hour or so. Damn the weekday routine that makes it impossible for me to sleep in.
  2. Just wondering if anyone's had a chance to listen to Opus DAC? It looks really interesting and makes me wish I had DIY skills.
  3. Waaaaay ahead of you, Nate. Yeah, he's recevied his amp, too. He isn't looking to sell it right now but will lend it to me.
  4. Probably will, provided the DV50 transaction goes w/o a hitch. Now I have to find the going rate for a Stax SRD-7mkII so I can budget for that. I won't be able to afford a nice stat amp, but pairing it with the Singlepower power amp, when it gets here, should work well enough.
  5. Damn, Stax 4070 is back in option now that I found a US dealer with very good price for them. Damnit.
  6. Since it is more than likely that I'd be getting a DAC, I'll be using my Philips 963SA as a transport until I get myself a better transport.
  7. Gotta wait till the payment for DV-50 gets here anyways. Depending on my other sales (Ergo2, RP21, and bunch of SACD's when I get around to them), I may go back to the original plan and wait for a good deal on Prima SE. Now, gotta go pack to drive 7 hours to Buffalo for a wedding. Wee.
  8. Well, the Perotta price wasn't as good as I had hoped, so Northstar is out, I think, unless a good deal shows up on the Gon.
  9. Yeah, I like that funky finish, but it just won't match with anything.
  10. Just checked, and it looks like they carry silver and black. Hmm, they seem to have demo unit for both the transport and the DAC. Interesting....
  11. Of course, the problem with Northstar is that the damn faceplate won't match with anything!
  12. That was part of my thinking, though the pull of ECD1 is rather strong. I just love that faceplate!
  13. Cool, thanks for the info. I think it's going to be between Northstar and Electrocompaniet. Bit funny since they almost use identical chip sets - CS8420/CS4396 in Northstar and CS8420/CS4397 in Electrocompaniet.
  14. While looking around for potential candidates for new source, happened upon Perotta Consulting for Northstar M192. Just wondering if anyone's bought anything from them? It seems they have a demo Northstar unit, and would like to buy it if it's a good price, but didn't know if they were well known folks or not.
  15. Either way, let me know how you like the custom molds if/when you get them. I've been thinking about them myself, but entirely too busy to get myself an audiologist apointment and all that. Speaking of which, I really should get back to work so I don't have to stay late today.
  16. If I go 4070 route, is $400 worth all the potential hassle and trouble I'd need to go through if I need to send them back to Japan? Probably not. I wouldn't be having this problem if someone actually made great sounding closed dynamic cans that actually blocked sounds.
  17. Oh yeah, I'll be at least waiting until rest of the rig is set, while getting a $1k range DAC. I've been hoping someone in the NYC area would get a pair (so they'll be at the NYC meet), but that hasn't happened. Getting them would also set in motion need to get another stat amp or transformer. Another option I'm considering is get a $1K range DAC and SB3 so I can just finish setting up the damn wireless music setup.
  18. If you use Safari & Mac (ddin't know if you are Mac/Safari user), avoid photobucket - it has some issues with uploading pics. Speaking of which, I need to get myself another photo gallery myself, thanks for starting this thread!
  19. Yeah, I was going through Head-Fi and the only used pair I was able to spot, didn't make it to the FS forum.
  20. Yeah, that was the only price I could find, at least easily. Using PriceJapan would be so much cheaper.
  21. Anyone know how much Stax 4070's are in the US? I'm just wondering how much of a difference there is between the US price and getting a pair imported through PriceJapan.
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