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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Seriously, is it me or anyone who has a pair of R-10's have more than one?
  2. Thanks for the offer, Nate. I had to send the iPod in so I don't have it anymore. I'll just have to contend myself with listening to my audiobooks at home (and listen to NPR during my commute), which really isn't a bad thing.
  3. My 40gb iPod photo has been acting up the past few weeks, and this morning, it died for the fourth time as I tried to listen to my audiobook during my commute. I had bought this from Best Buy (don't ask me why), and still had their protection plan in place so I took it to their customer service. If I'm lucky, they'll accept it as a lemon and I'll receive a comparable product from the current production as a replacement in 6 weeks. If I'm unlucky, they won't accept it as a lemon and they'll return it to the store in 6 weeks (at which point I can choose to get it repaired). So either way, I'm without my iPod for 6 weeks and we'll see how long before I break down and end up buying another one. Stupid fucking iPod.
  4. That was the same exact thought I had in regards to the cheesy covers. I also thought the Gold discs were just some marketing ploy. Ahh, ignorance of youth.
  5. I saw couple on sale for over $200 - sure, they were supposedly unopened and all, but still. I'm really kicking myself now-a-days when I didn't buy them (MoFi gold discs) when my local shop was trying to get rid of them. That was back in my high school days and I didn't know anything about them at the time, though.
  6. Of course, they're not as bad as some out-of-print MoFi Gold CD's.
  7. You know, I'm blaming you if I go down the road of those pricey XRCD's.
  8. So those who have it - how do you like it? It's on my list of musics to get at some point, but those damn XRCDs are pricey.
  9. Dew eet. Besides, I need someone on HC to talk about Leopard.
  10. See the room factor is basically the reason I won't/haven't gone into speaker rig yet. Once I find myself a place where I can have a dedicated audio room, my headphone rig will probably be going.
  11. I'm liking the improvements on the Mail. To Do and Notes are nice additions since now I can add notes/to do list within Mail. I know it's not a big deal for most people, but it's useful for me.
  12. Leopard, for the most part, is pretty snappy. My machine's iMac 2GHz Core 2 Duo with 1GB of memory. Non-Intel-native programs, like MS Office programs, affects it noticeably, especially while using the Spaces. Of course, this is with the Time Machine performing the initial backup in the background, too. Oh, while I'm liking the Spaces, there are some odd quirks that I haven't really looked into yet.
  13. Well, I got myself a big external drive and have just started the Time Machine. We'll see how well it works, well, hopefully, I won't have to see how well it works. In any case, the initial backup is going to take a while, it looks like, even with the Firewire drive.
  14. Yeah, to think it all started with candles made out of crayons. I can't go into their stores, though. The overwhelming perfume from their various candles makes me sick and gives me massive headache.
  15. That's what I though, too. Though it seems anyone who owns a pair of R-10's seem to have more than one.
  16. That is another mini-series I just loved. The thing must look amazing in HD. :envy:
  17. I loved the show and was very annoyed when it was cancelled (good ol' Fox). I've got to watch it through again sometimes.
  18. Oh, and one more thing. The little "light" that lights up on the dock to indicate the running app is bit hard to see. It looks neat, but that's about it.
  19. Okay, so the Leopard installation went smoothly, and I've checked most of the applications I use and they work fine. Few things - Safari is running better than the beta (duh). No random crashes in middle of surfing and I think it's marginally faster than beta, but I could be imagining that. Stacks are stupid. It may be useful if you only have handful of document/downloads, but that's not the case here. I like the Tiger's folder on Dock better. I love Quick Look - I make multiple revisions of same documents and it makes finding the right one easier. On the similar note, I really love Cover Flow for my picture folder. Jury's still out on Spaces. I'm still playing around with it and I like it so far. Time Machine....I've no idea. My backup drive had died last week so I need to get one before I use this feature. Transparent menu bar could be annoying with some background. Oh, and I just ordered extra memory for my iMac.
  20. Welcome to how they do things in my lovely home country. If you think that's crazy, just know that there's usually a Limited Edition version for just about most video game releases.
  21. The World Series - rooting for my countryman.
  22. Well after a little scare with my iBook, which where I'm typing this from, I just started the Leopard install process on my iMac as I watch the World Series. I'll play with it once I'm done working on a group project for a continuing ed class (stupid furthering my education, LOL).
  23. I've listened to some of her songs (aside from the one on the nano ad) and been meaning to get her albums - haven't gotten around to listening to them yet, though. And nope, I haven't installed Leopard yet, but will in couple of hours.
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