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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Thanks, guys. Had a pretty low-key night, with needing to work early tomorrow, but it was a good one with my gf making me one of my favorite dishes. It also doesn't hurt that I bought myself a SB3 and should have another gift to myself sometime next week.
  2. I had been thinking about getting SB3 for a while now and found a nice deal for a white one (it'll match better with rest of my stuff). I also just noticed Slim Devices/Logitech are no longer making/selling white version of SB3. Of course now, I gotta get off my lazy ass and finish ripping my CDs.
  3. boomana, have you tried out the blue tips yet? I was hoping mine would be here today, but no luck.
  4. Nice. Yet another evidence toward a mini-meet soon.
  5. Damnit, spend all day/night at work/class and I miss all the fun. And yes, I agree with Reks that it should be Cuddy (re: Dusty's post).
  6. Nope, I haven't received my tips yet. Of course, while chaging the filters this morning, I decide to throw away the dirty tri-flanges I've been using, and now I can't find my bag of regular tri-flanges. As such, I sure hope I'll like blue tips so I don't have to order another bag of white tri-flanges.
  7. That I must say is a weird-ass looking kitten.
  8. Couple of cables and an VGA adaptor from Blue Jeans Cable.
  9. FYI, philodox, Bob Huggins was a UC basketball coach.
  10. Velour pads for K271 and blue tri-flanges for Etys.
  11. I ordered them as well. I'll see how I like them (or not) compared to the regular tri-flanges.
  12. What did you say on it? Yeah, for $275, I'll buy myself a 80gb iPod classic, an Agent18 case, and contend with possibly inferior headphone output.
  13. What tkam said. Hey, I just noticed the spell check function on posting here. Has that always been there?
  14. Just a tad expensive, though. http://aloaudio.com/store/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=53&products_id=150
  15. I've heard his amps and they are pretty good amp, especially at their price-points (I know there folks here who agree). Just because some of us think some aspects of amps are unnecessary (e.g., magic eye tubes), there are better amps out there, or improvements could be made on his amps, doesn't mean we're actually knocking on the good doctor.
  16. You shouldn't have lost your feedback thread, at least according to the info on the Head-Fi, as they were able to reconstruct the message boards.
  17. Nope, my feedback thread is still there, though the address to it is completely different.
  18. Marc Cohn - Marc Cohn (MoFi Gold CD)
  19. Mmmm, Ronin. And if anyone's interested, here's the Wiki entry on Teflon coated bullet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teflon_coated_bullet
  20. Yep, but it has had a good run, and I did (ab)use that thing throughout its life. Oh, and sleep mode works fine. Go figure.
  21. Hahaha! Priceless. I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with him to order K271 pads anymore.
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