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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Hmm, it's looking as though the bad part of the next storm is going to miss my area. Of course, now that I've said that...
  2. I keep forgetting about your DAC - I assume you're still liking it?
  3. Or, you could just get yourself a Transporter and mod the hell out of it.
  4. Well, I just installed the SqueezeCenter again and it's now working fine. I think doing the clean install helped.
  5. Nice one, Justin! Are the grills black as well?
  6. Yep, and I still gotta be in at work by 7.30am. Man, I need to find a new profession.
  7. If I had known what I was getting myself into, I would have definitely just stayed at work, especially since I'll be heading back to work in less than six hours. By the time I realized what was in store for me (about 2 miles in), there was no realistic way for me to turn back. Now, it's time for me to go to bed.
  8. Woohoo, my Wii is on its way back from Nintendo! Unfortunately, due to today's snow storm, it won't arrive until after the weekend (it was supposed to get here tomorrow).
  9. At one point, I didn't move for 20 minutes, after spending about an hour to travel 4 miles. Of course, the absolute best part was shoveling my parking space once I got home.
  10. I got home about an hour ago from work - after driving for 6 hours in snow. I work 38 miles from my place. I hate fucking snow.
  11. Hmm, I wonder if Leopard has something to do with it. I'll give it a shot again when I have more time.
  12. Stephen, are you a Mac user, and if so, what browser are you using? I just couldn't get SqueezeCenter to work on my Mac.
  13. Well, I tried it on my Mac, and it didn't work too well, at least with Safari. It had some rendering problem with Safari making it near impossible to use. I didn't bother trying it with other browsers since Safari is my main browser and I don't like needing to use a different browser just for Squeezebox. It did look a lot nicer, though. It may very well work fine on PC but I haven't tried it yet.
  14. I'm sure ones from Amazons are better quality than those Blue Light specials from Kmart.
  15. Huh, I hadn't seen that before. I think I'll give it a shop later tonight after I'm done with some work.
  16. Deepak, have you looked at Hamilton? There are some nice ones on their Jazzmaster collections.
  17. Hopefully, I'll have something by the end of the day, though we'll see about that. I've got few things I need to get done today, but I should be able to get some listening time at some point.
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