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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Great write up/review on the unit, Todd! Very spot on, IMO, and I agree that midrange is neutral and smooth, though I like that about the player. Interesting note on the sound stage - it's not something I've really focused or listened for since all my listening on it comes through headphones. Incidentally, why do I get bunch of "?" in some posts, but not in others?
  2. Damnit, not the answer I wanted to hear. This means that I won't have to bring my iMac closer to my headphone stuff to use a Duet. I may be getting one sooner rather than later.
  3. Another thing - would I be able to needle-drop with a Duet?
  4. Sorry, not much yet, aside from that I've been enjoying it. I've been incredibly busy since I've received the amp with work, school, work, friends, work, family, work, holiday, and more work. As a result, most of the listening I've done has been either quick wind-down listening or background listening while doing work at home, and I really haven't done any critical listening yet.
  5. Damn, as a Mac user, you guys are making it harder and harder for me not to pick one up to try. Mike and jp11801, I've got couple of questions for you - How does the volume setting work - do you just set it at its maximum volume to use it through an amp? Does it work with Front Row?
  6. With my increased use of (iMac)SB3/840C combo, the capability of Duet really intrigues me. I could get a long FireWire cable and use it with the iMac since it is in the same room as my headphone gears. Of course, the better solution would be if I could find Squeezebox with great analog outputs.
  7. Yay! First possible plan for 2008 - get out of vinyl before I go in deeper.
  8. Same here. 120 is bit too much for my taste.
  9. My parents have five cats (they had seven at one point) and all of them, for the most part, only responds to my mom. When I went up last year to house/cat/dog sit, I almost never saw three out of the seven cats the four days I was there.
  10. It's better if they have been eating ton of blueberries.
  11. My gf's old cat, who is no longer with us, was named Kitten. His real name was Albany Jones, though he never really responded to that name. Of course, he responded to anything my gf called him.
  12. That is friggin' awesome, Stephen! I'd be all over it if it also came with orange knob and if I had any money for one.
  13. Huh, I never noticed that before. You'd probably get your answer quicker if you posted the question on the HeadRoom forum over on HF, though.
  14. PX100 is open. PX200 is closed. If you can stand the goofy look and open design, add Koss Porta Pro to the list.
  15. A new cell phone. My cell had been dead for the past 5 days or so.
  16. I've got no name suggestion, but I prefer going away from human names as well. Oh, and I hope everything works out for you and the kitty!
  17. http://www.apogeedigital.com/products/minidac.php?show=accessories http://www.headphone.com/products/system-bags/headroom-complete-headcase---black.php And remember, you can run your Mini-DAC off of an external battery pack.
  18. On a somewhat related note, from whom did you get the custom tip for ER4 and how do you like it, Zach?
  19. Slushy and brown. We have such a lovely spring here.
  20. I'm glad that we didn't get as much snow here. Of course, my car refused to start this morning after it hasn't been used for the past 10 days. Thankfully, it did eventually start. I think it's about time for a new battery.
  21. Assuming it was good, yes, good food due to one's birthday always counts as a loot in my book.
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