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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. That's a good sign. Keep me posted on the comparison. Now, only if they weren't so expensive new....
  2. So I've been thinking of getting RS-1 (again) and I'd love to grab a vintage pair, but I also know the chance of that happening is close to nil. With that in mind, has anyone heard the new button-less RS-1? I'm just curious if there are any differences in the sound with the re-design.
  3. Damnit, you beat to it! ------------------------------- Q. Why did the first monkey fall off the tree? A. Because it was dead. Q. Why did the second monkey fall of the tree? A. Monkey see, monkey do. Q. Why did the third monkey fall of the tree? A. Peer pressure.
  4. I had this problem the one summer I worked for Eastern Mountain Sports. I didn't work for commission so it didn't matter how much sales I made, but most times, it was easier for me to sell more expensive stuff than less expensive, but just as capable gears. This was also the summer I learned I can't work retail without going insane.
  5. Yep, it's a two-night premier. I just completely forgot about it last night since I was doing work on computer.
  6. I just started the torrent few minutes ago. I'll make sure to record tonight's episode.
  7. Damnit, I can't believe I missed it. I hope they rerun the first episode sometime soon. I gotta start recording it on DVR.
  8. and Siltech has been using silver-gold wires long before ALO started using it.
  9. Snow falling outside while I sit at work doing paperwork. At least I don't have to worry about students today.
  10. I concur. Good to see you actually working on your own amp for a change.
  11. It's about 12" here - my town had already cancelled the school for tomorrow at 6pm. Of course, the best part is I get to drive all the way to Andover for work. Joy.
  12. I may end up doing just that if it keeps snowing like this for rest of the season.
  13. Hey, cold doesn't bother me. In fact, I love the cold - air is crisper and sharper. It's the driving in the snow that I hate.
  14. That is really annoying. Grrr.
  15. As much as I love my Civic's great MPG performance, it's time like this I wish I had a car that drives better in the snow.
  16. So who is looking forward to yet another snowstorm tomorrow?
  17. One more question for you, Zach - do you like them better than Ety w/ custom tips?
  18. I think he meant he could resell it, if he doesn't like it, at little to no loss, if he could've bought them at $990-995.
  19. Just browsed through Audiogon and, wow, there's been some nice prices on used 840C.
  20. Bring your Pico and Duet to the freezing cold of New England and we'll have a meet!
  21. It did at one point, but I don't know about now. Now that I think of it, Crossover is a commercial version of WINE, which means I don't need Windows OS to run Windows programs (in theory). I may just give it shot.
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