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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Still bit too much, IMO, considering you'll end up with three sets of pads you won't be using, and no bowls (I don't like'em, but some folks do).
  2. Yeah, K501's have gone up a bit since it's been discontinued. I should've grabbed a pair when they were going for around $100 used, not that they fit my gigantic head all that well.
  3. The apps run noticeably faster and smoother on my iMac (2GH Core 2 Duo w/ 3GB RAM) than Office 2004 did. Also, I've experienced no random sluggishness that I experienced while using Office 2004. Updates/fixes/improvements are minor and there are no real wow factors. Of course, the one big deal killer is no VBA on Excel, but I've kept the Office 2004 installation for that, and I really don't use Excel worksheets with VBA outside of work. It's bit pricey at $150 considering that updates are minor and Excel lost VBA, but I use Word/Excel/PowerPoint often enough at home the overall speed increase alone makes it a worthwhile upgrade for me. YMMV.
  4. So Dan, do you like it better than your Mini-DAC? I would've bought this thing myself already if I didn't have my SB3/840c combo.
  5. Count me jealous. I'm still waiting for Apple to make a subnotebook. Stupid MacBook Air.
  6. ....and I'm sure Vince whip out a better breakout cable than the included one now that he has the pinout arrangement.
  7. I was trying to remember where I've seen the new RS-1/2 text pattern (Grado Reference Series RS-1/2) before, and it's the same way it was written on PS-1. I still wish they had kept the rounded cutout on the metal housing holder instead of the current square cutout.
  8. I'll see how they fare in my rig, since I should have a buttonless pair coming sometime next week.
  9. Last time, I was told Christmas and no later. Just sent him an e-mail, actually. The last time I tried to reach him via phone, it just kept ringing so I hang up.
  10. Yeah, they're nice. I do regret selling my Stax system, especially since it was partially for the turntable rig that's not here anymore, and partially for the K1000 amp that's not here yet. Funny thing is, because of the weak dollar, assuming you look around, it's cheaper to buy a new pair of Omega II in US than import a new pair from Japan - or at least close to it that the difference is no longer several hundred dollars as in the past.
  11. I take it you've decided to go for Omega 2, Deepak? I was really tempted to get back the old setup myself (after the table sold), but there were too many other expenses I'm expecting in the next few months. Oh, and I think you should get the new all black one, unless you're going for an used pair, of course.
  12. Thanks for further comparisons, especially on soundstage and digital inputs. Interesting to read that Opus 21's digital-in doesn't quite hold up its own - I almost went with Opus 21 because of the digital in (there was a great deal on a used one), until 840c came around.
  13. So how do they compare to your recabled pair? I may just end up ordering a pair soon since I'm just too impatient.
  14. There's that. Of course, ideal situation for me would be if one remote can work with multiple unit at the same time. Then I'd get a Duet for my living room, then use the remote for both Duet and SB3 that's setup with my headphone rig.
  15. Same here. It does, but it costs $300. For that price, I'd rather just grab another SB3.
  16. So with the next possible Boston/New England meet not until April, anyone up for a New England mini-meet sometime?
  17. Damn, I forgot it's supposed to snow later tonight. Hopefully, it won't be bad enough to affect my Friday morning commute.
  18. MS Office for Mac 2008 - because Open Office just doesn't cut it for me for work purpose, and Office 2004 just wasn't running well on my Intel iMac.
  19. While you are at it, try deep-frying one. Never tried it myself, though, the thought of it scares me.
  20. Yes, you gotta love a job where you are only right 50% of the time, yet still keep the job.
  21. I think the problem, or not really a problem, was that most people probably took the day off, around where I live and work. Which in turn resulted in fewer cars, which made it easier for the plow trucks to do their job. It snowed less than the initial forecast around here, but still snowed plenty.
  22. I must say, the snow storm was bit of let down for me. I expected more, not that I'm complainig, mind you. Everyone must've taken the day off, though, as there were very few cars on my communte in the morning and afternoon. And yes, with the possibility of moving to NH relatievely soon growing by the day, I need to seriously look into better tires for the next winter season.
  23. If you ever decide to let go of the serial numberless pair, let me know.
  24. I wish - I have owned a pair before, though, along with MS-Pro at one point.
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