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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. That would require a PS3, and most of my disposable income is slated at this point for a modest speaker rig. That, too.
  2. Planning on it, actually. The two XRCD's I ordered from elusivedisc also arrived today so I'm hoping to listen to them as well.
  3. Just got home from work now. I'm glad that I was able to leave early (i.e., all my students were picked up) since I didn't hit any traffic. Now I can just sit and relax.
  4. Not without speakers to drive them, they won't. Well, Ikon 7's are out as the local dealer is down to a pair of damaged ones.
  5. Well, yet another lovely snow storm here in NE. None of my day students stayed home, even though we're dismissing all students at noon. I'll see when I actually get to leave as I have to stay put until all of my day students are picked up. Yay.
  6. Probably couple more times. Too bad the bit scratched 3.6 (for $1200) on the A'gon is local pickup only.
  7. Aside from the need for "encouragement," beta22 or beta24 monoblocks would just blow my entire budget. I'm sure they'll be pretty to look at, though.
  8. Thanks for all the suggestions - please keep'em coming. I should see what I can audition around my neck of woods.
  9. Yeah, that's the deal I mentioned - according to their website, they have a demo pair of Ikon 7 for $1400 or so. I just don't know if they're at Boston or Northampton store, though either way, if I'm going to buy them I'll just go pick them up at the store to save on shipping.
  10. They do look nice, but man, are they heavy. I did a double take when I read that shipping weight is 315 pounds.
  11. Nope - though I'd need to factor in decent stands if I get bookshelf or monitors. New gears would be nice, but I realize that I would get a much better return for my money if I go the used route. While spending less is always preferable, spending all $2K is fine for this one. I actually briefly looked at the Outlaw monoblocks, but had to get back to work before I could read more on them. Their price is attractive as it would leave me decent chunk for speakers. No clue, as I've never got around to using it after I bought it used a while back. Only speakers I have are Epos ELS-3 that are hooked up to my TV/DVD setup that uses Parasound P/SP-1500 for the pre.
  12. I?m counting my chickens before they hatch a bit, but I?m looking for some suggestions/recommendations for speakers and power amp at around $1600-$2000. They will be fed by 840C as a source and I will most likely be using either my Beta22 or Luminous Audio Axiom as a preamp for the time being. I prefer clear and cohesive sound throughout with good PRaT, and I?ll always take bass quality over quantity. One undecided factor is whether to sell my headphone gears for additional speaker fund, but I think I?m going to keep them for late-night listening and other times when I can use speakers. Also, any opinions on Dali Ikon 7?s? A local dealer has a pair for $1400 or so.
  13. That was great, Nate. All the adjustments and setup pains are things I sure don't miss about my table.
  14. Received my headphone stand today! It looks pretty cool and works well with my RS-1. Thank you!
  15. You know, I'm tempted to order one for when I get back into the vinyl game again.
  16. I'm liking this thread - I've just added few albums on this thread to my wish lists.
  17. I just keep mine real short with a hair clipper. Otherwise, most headphones won't fit over my huge head.
  18. Coffee fro breakfast, and bagels for lunch.
  19. Salt Peanuts


    Well, that sucks. I sure do hope it comes back for another season.
  20. ...and few other CD's, but aside from the two posted, I only paid shipping, so I didn't really buy them.
  21. Man, that's just not right, Reks. I hope you get the power amp situation resolved quickly (& cheaply).
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