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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Nenso? Makes you feel any better, I'm sure I'm still a youngen among the most of the regulars here.
  2. 1998? I think I was already half-way through university at that point.
  3. Back in the day about 10 years ago when I was actually in shape and rock climbed/hiked on fairly regular basis, I would've said yes. Not now. Now-a-days, I'd like to avoid engaging in high-death rate activities if I can help it.
  4. Man, I'm definitely in the long line of work.
  5. Congrats on the new gears! Hey, someone's gotta take advantage of it.
  6. I'm assuming he used the "upgrade" option? That's what I did with my iMac initially, and I noticed that it wasn't running as smoothly as before and it seemed to get worse. Eventually, I just backed up my data and did a clean install of Leopard and it's been running just fine.
  7. Not sure if this matters, but did either or both of you upgrade to Leopard?
  8. Nice! Keep us posted how well(or not) it works. I've been thinking about moving to FiOS TV (I already have FiOS Internet) from Comcast, but TiVo may tip the scale back in Comcast's favor again.
  9. Hmm, I wonder if/who it would work with K1000...
  10. Yep, that one. I've always wanted a vintage McIntosh.
  11. McIntosh MC2100 I'll use it with my Epos until I settle on speaker upgrades.
  12. I ripped an episode of Robot Chicken from DVD using Handbrake. I ripped one file with "AppleTV" setting and another file with "iPhone/iPod touch" setting. They were both saved on an external drive connected to my iMac via Firewire 400. I just watched both of them on my MacBook connected to my 802.11g network and had no issues with either files.
  13. What's the compression on the videos? I can try it with my MacBook and iMac, but I'd have to rip some videos first.
  14. Nice. Speaking of which, didn't thrice used to have a woodied Lambda? Oh, paging thrice, paging thrice.
  15. Yay for Deepak's Blue Hawaii! Btw, who's building it for you, or is that a secret?
  16. Cool. I've been toying with the idea of getting one, but I've no need for another router.
  17. ...and it will contain cleverly hidden small explosive device controlled directly from the Nugget Audio headquarters.
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