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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Man, sorry to hear that - hope you can get it resolved easily locally. At least you got yourself another amp, right?
  2. Two loaves of fresh Italian bread from a local Italian market.
  3. Glad to hear that you've finally got your McIntosh back! Did Terry fix your gain dial(s)?
  4. Was he just not up to it, health-wise? I know he's getting up there in the age category.
  5. That is a pretty nice dunk there. Man, I miss the Human Highlight Film.
  6. Yep. I highly recommend the series. I also really like the Planetary series by Ellis as well (the series is even more fun when you have a decent knowledge of DC & Marvel characters), but I'd recommend you wait to pick that up until they actually finish the series as I've been waiting for few years now for Ellis to finish the series and release the last book (or two).
  7. Reks, have you read the Transmetropolitan series by Warren Ellis?
  8. Salt Peanuts


    Damnit, it looks like I missed another potentially good show and it's been cancelled. Maybe it'll come out on DVD and I can add it my collection of 1-season TV DVD shows (e.g., Firefly).
  9. Get the pinout from Apogee (or from HF, I believe it's been posted there somewhere).
  10. Dude, Reks, I hope you recover well and quickly.
  11. Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings The Flood CAKE - Prolonging The Magic
  12. I was really confused when I saw this thread since I thought you meant this Cisco.
  13. Nope, I don't have a turntable setup anymore. Most of them really are just because I saw it when I went into buy a Mr. Clean's Magic eraser. I didn't even know you can use Magic Eraser for turntable. Onzow is great, though. I used to have it when I had a turntable rig.
  14. LOL. None of the purchased items are used in relation to, or conjunction with others. Besides, I've no real desire to blow myself up.
  15. A electronic scale, pack of gum, Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser, padded envelope, and bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol.
  16. I'm looking forward to watching this once I get around to looking for it at some point this week. I think that is a good thing - the book was bit too chaotic for its own good. Hopefully, they'll make more Discworld movies in the future, especially the later installments, as I think the first few books in the series are no where near as good as recent books.
  17. Justin - This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but this will open just about all links in a new tab. http://www.macuser.com/tips/psst_safari_31_is_a_single_win.php
  18. Budget option, huh? That's great. Man, I wish I could afford 4-gang RK50, but it's bit too pricey for me. Thanks for reminding me about Joshua Tree - time to go read about it again.
  19. How's Saft working with Safari 3.1?
  20. Garmin nuvi260. We just got tired of getting lost almost every time we were out looking at houses/going to open houses.
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