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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Crappy, try contacting Helen Oster at Adorama. She's their Customer Service Ambassador and she's usually very good about solving issues when the rest of the CS drops the ball.
  2. FWIW, I've had Crucial's previous model (m4) in my MBP for couple of years with no issues.
  3. ^ Ah. I though there was something you didn't like about the setup.
  4. ^ Damnit. I got all excited but Amazon was still cheaper for what I wanted, even with the discount.
  5. I've used m43 (E-M5) and liked it a lot, except for low-light AF and high ISO performance. Also preferred optical viewfinder to EVF - I don't know how the EVF on current top end stacks up (E-M1, X-T1, A7/r). My hands/wrists definitely appreciated the weight savings. New sensors are closing the gap nicely. Difference in depth of field is something to consider for some folks, though, for m43. I thought long and hard about trying out Fuji system but its AF wasn't snappy enough for me, at least at the time (kid moving unpredictably). I'm happily back using DSLR.
  6. Probably. It's annoying but mostly a non-issue for me since I most of my media viewing on either iPad or through Apple TV. I'm certainly not buying a new monitor just for this, though I would like a nice, new monitor.
  7. So I realize this is an old issue, but just learned that I can't play HD-content I've purchased on my external monitor since it's not HDCP compliant. Stupid DRM.
  8. ^ Same here - and I threw my back out a bit shoveling this piddly 3" of snow.
  9. ^ Reminds me of Canon Loyalty Program. It's too bad other manufactures don't have something similar.
  10. Thanks Todd. Was not aware of this - now I know why Netflix streaming has been bit flakey of late.
  11. Can't tell from the pics, but is it a back/front focus issue? Also, have you tried manual focusing with it? Either you got another bum copy or I have the world's sharpest 85/1.8g.
  12. Is this handheld or on tripod? Both shots look out of focus to me. I quickly looked through my photos and my wide open shots (few that I've shot) are sharper than your shot at f/4.5. I realize D800's sensor can be more demanding than D600's, but I don't have the problem you appear to be having with the lens.
  13. It's been much, much better thus far today.
  14. And if you do go down the used D600 route, you may want to look for the ones that had the shutter replaced by Nikon. I've taking about 6000 shots since getting the the shutter replaced and haven't had any dust/oil/debris issue (just checked last week with shots taken at f/16).
  15. That sucks about the car, Jacob. FYI, the going price for used D600 have come down to ~$1200 over on FM. D700 is holding steady around $1400 (and up).
  16. ^ That would be entirely too hot for me.
  17. Yeah, I got a decent chunk more than I expected as well. At least I don't have to work tomorrow so I've left there to shovel until the late morning tomorrow.
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