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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. That (emphasized top end) seems to be the general opinion regarding Powell RVG remasters over on SH. I guess I'll be importing them from amazon Japan - ~$100 shipped for 5 cd's is bit painful, though. Along with possible import fees.
  2. Just about all of his Blue Note recordings, as most of what I have are pretty crappy lossy rips from college on CD-R's.
  3. Good point. I just checked amazon.co.jp and found just about all Powell recordings I'm looking for from Toshiba/EMI.
  4. Unfortunately, OJC doesn't have what are considered to be Bud Powell's best works. Of course, that won't mean I won't be picking them up to add to my collection. I really was hoping some of Powell recordings will be included in the Hoffman Blue Note reissues, but no luck.
  5. I was wondering if anyone here had any experiences with RVG Blue Note remasters? I've been looking to re-acquire some Bud Powell recordings and RVG remasters popped up doing the search. I vaguely remember someone commenting on it here in the past, but "RVG" was too short for the forum software to search.
  6. A box of wet food, another litter box, and another brand of cat litter to try out. The kittens like the new brand litter so much that they haven't touched the litter box with the brand of litter we had been using.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, the first of the SACDs have been pushed back until sometime in September.
  8. I hope you're building something for yourself, Nate. Oh, and just bought some groceries.
  9. Not really answering your question, but I plan on doing the same thing (re: Gray/Hoffman SACD's) even though I don't have a decent SACD player anymore. I figure most of the recordings are something I would've bought eventually anyways (those I don't have already) and knowing they're being remastered by SH makes the decision a whole lot easier to make. If I end up with decent SACD player in the future, great. If not, no real loss IMO.
  10. Yep. It is the most beautiful piece of equipment I've ever owned and it sounded rather nice to boot.
  11. Went to work, then helped with a tour of the school for 30 or so folks in the related fields from Japan. The tour went well and the folks from Japan were very friendly, attentive, and asked a lot of really good questions. Also, this was the first time my "Additional skills: Native Japanese speaker" section of my resume was utilized by an employer.
  12. So out of curiosity, how many B22's have you built now?
  13. Walked around the neighborhood with my fiancee in the morning. Did some laundry then hang out with few friends. Now back home doing more laundry and uploading some files.
  14. I've been using my iPods just about every day in my car with not extra protection save for hard plastic shell for years now and have had no hard-drive related issues.
  15. Digging up an old thread, but have they started shipping these yet? I just checked Acoustic Sound and they all still show are "Pre Order."
  16. Finally got around to doing some additional cleaning in the audio room so that most of the unneeded, but not trash, items are out of the room or in the closet. Me likey my speakers more now.
  17. A filet of salmon I just finished grilling. With a bit of salt and lemon, it's great.
  18. Rearranged my audio room a bit and connected optical out on my iMac directly to 840C, thus negating the need for my SB3 or desire for an Apogee Duet.
  19. Congrats! And welcome to the joy of ownership. Nice! I see a Duet in your future....
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