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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Vinyl surface noise never really bothered me back when I had my vinyl rig, either through headphones or speakers. FYI, I gave all of my vinyls thorough cleaning with a cleaning machine and dry brushed them before each time I played them.
  2. Firewire cable for something I should (hopefully) be picking up tomorrow.
  3. I think I know exactly what you're talking about - it's a little gray plastic tab, right? The piece is supposed to get pushed in when you plug in the cable, then help keep in the cable. I had a problem with the same plastic tab when I used to own a MiniDAC, though in my case, it was actually broken so I had Apogee fix it for me.
  4. Have you contacted Apogee about the optical input? I realize that it's out of warranty, but it probably won't hurt to ask them. This, of course, assumes you're in the US (i.e., shipping to Apogee wouldn't be expensive). As for the tape covering the hole, it's that way for any MiniDAC w/o USB so I wouldn't worry about it. I did a casual browsing and I'd think you could probably get up to $550.
  5. Good idea - I think I'll be doing the same this weekend. If you haven't read it yet, Planetary is another good one from Warren Ellis. Of course, you may want to wait a bit until it's finally completed sometime this year.
  6. [Off-topic]The Best Graphic Novel, Ever[/Off-topic]
  7. I had forgotten about the BAT preamp, but I haven't seen for sale in my price range, at least no the ones with remote. Anyone tried AES/Cary AE-3 MkII?
  8. Went to work early to finish a monthly performance review for one of my teachers, which was followed by a bit hectic workday. Then I administered a monthly performance review to another teacher before calling it a day and actually left work on time.
  9. No prob, I mean, there is some truth to the lovely nickname (Mass-holes), even for a transplant like me. As for where you should go, no idea. We looked at southern NH when we were looking for house and there were some real nice parts.
  10. Hey, it was just one digital thing! At least that one hadn't burnt itself.
  11. That's what I've been trying to tell my fiancee - of course, our DVD player is still working just fine so unless that thing kicks it soon, I won't be seeing a PS3 in my house at least unitl 2009.
  12. Bit annoying, actually. Reminds me of the last interface change iPod went through - looks pretty and neat, but slows down the overall operation without really adding anything functional, unless, of course, you happen to be someone who remembers albums by their covers. Also, it's doing weird things to all my albums that have multiple artists/performers.
  13. Same here. I'm surprised that there aren't little plug-ins/apps that just does that phone you on iPhon/Touch.
  14. There are also french fries vending machines out there.
  15. Goddmanit! I can't believe the new season started already! Must watch the season 2.
  16. I saw that and I'm sure it would be a nice match to my 840c, but I doubt it'll still be there when my fund is ready, and I'm weary of buying from someone with no feedbacks.
  17. I can't believe I forgot to put all that in the post, even though I was thinking about them. Max of $1000, and preferably less than that. No preference really on solid state or tube, and balanced would be nice but won't be a deal-breaker if it's not. As for number of inputs, anything more than two would be fine.
  18. So after 3 months, I'm getting bit tired of needing to get up each time I want to change the volume. Assuming some unexpected expenses don't come up, I've been thinking about Adcom GFP-750, maybe in a month or two. Are there anything else I should be looking for? Also, anyone know anything about PS Audio's P-200?
  19. Damn, that sucks. I hope the replacement comes in quicker than your estimation.
  20. Well, in any other situations, I'd be happy that I bought a dry/wet shop vac. Except that I just bought it so that I can clean up the mini-flood in our basement.
  21. Not "did" since I'm still doing it, but cleaning up the mini-flood I discovered couple of hours ago in the basement thanks to Hanna.
  22. Salt Peanuts


    Digging up an old thread here, but has anyone picked one up (or is going to pick one up) yet? I was going to until I learned EA is using SecuROM for the game.
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