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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. A news like this is making me really wish the Mother 1+2 I ordered last week was here so I could've played some over the weekend. I think I may also have to bite bullet and buy Mother 3 cartridge on fleebay.
  2. Yes, they're sealed. Hope they sound better than A900.
  3. Same here. I guess I'll be holding onto my old MacBook for a while, not that I was really planning on replacing it, but lack of Firewire is a deal-breaker for me (need it for Duet).
  4. Bunch of stuff to for curry that I'm cooking right now.
  5. Wasn't really trying to be mean, but I guess it did come out that way. Speaking of Cicadas, I wish I was into speakers when they were still available for $700/pair so I could've given them a try (or equivalent single-driver speakers for that matter).
  6. Listening to an audiobook version of Good Omens by Pratchett and Gaiman. It's been a while since I've read the book.
  7. No problem. I accidentally lost his contact info and was just wondering if he was still at Boulder Amps before I shoot the company an e-mail as a last resort to get back in touch with him. Oh, and thanks for all the pretty photos and reports!
  8. Wow, you've been busy. How are the Cicadas coming along?
  9. I'm really liking this show. I've started watching it this season since my finacee had been watching it from the first season. We just watched the latest episode earlier today, actually. Now watching: some cake making competition on Food Network.
  10. Damn, Steve, that thing looks friggin' amazing!
  11. Did you happen to get the name of the person running the Boulder room? I'm wondering if my old high school friend still works there.
  12. Damn, I wish could take part in that, but there's no way I'm risking someone else's sub with two kittens around.
  13. Yep - it's basically an extension of your original warranty, which is why Apple doesn't let you buy it after the original warranty expires (i.e., one year after the purchase). I have one for my MacBook, though not for my iMac.
  14. homemade chicken & rice soup. I love my fiancee.
  15. Looks great, Steve! Can't wait to see pics of the finished product/monstrosity. Same here, man, same here.
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