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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Went for a much overdue eye exam. While there, got fitted for contact lenses as well. Now I get to see how I fare with them over the next week or two.
  2. Carys are even worse at 6v range for balanced outs.
  3. I received my Duet cable from Nate today and listened to my Duet through my speaker rig, using it in place of 840c. Upon listening to few tunes with it tonight, I must say I'm pleasantly surprised. We'll see the initial impression/new toy experience holds, but if it does, I can definitely see it as my only digital source.
  4. Stayed late at work for a meeting, then came home to find a Duet cable from Nate waiting for me. Now the Duet is connected to my speaker rig.
  5. I guess the upgrade costs are lot better than it used to be. At that cost, yeah, it would be much easier to have it installed from the get-go. Actually, $150 for 320gb/7200 isn't a bad deal either.
  6. I'd suggest doing the upgrades yourself, as Apple anally rapes you on upgrade costs. Especially since you can easily upgrade HD on MBP now.
  7. Audrey Ryan - Passing Thru Audrey Ryan - Dishes & Pills
  8. $299 is just the MSRP in NA. They can be easily found for less than $140 new from a dealer, much like HD650 with MSRP of $500, but can be found new for less than $300.
  9. Nugget Audio Duet cable and Sewell FireWire repeater.
  10. Heroes S02 E01 to be followed by E02.
  11. Mowed lawn, did some laundry, and finally got around to changing the filter in the furnace.
  12. Drove up to Nashua to get some shopping done. Then drove to multiple eyewear stores looking for a frame that would actually fit my wide fat head without pressing into my temple to no avail. I only do this (look for new glasses) every 2 to 3 years and I always forget how frustrating it is for me. I think I'm going to finally bite the bullet and get myself contacts this time around.
  13. Damn. That is one gorgeous work, Steve!
  14. Hell, $4700 is just about what I have in my whole speaker rig, including my iMac I use for feeding the 840c.
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