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Salt Peanuts

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Very nice looking panel, Nate. What's the font used?
  2. Not quite sure if this is what you're looking for - macosxhints.com - Set default startup volume from boot volume screen
  3. I'm pretty sure that's the BH he snagged off HF.
  4. Ditto on just having a XLR-RCA cable built. I had a pair built by Blue Jeans when my Cardas XLR-RCA adaptors didn't play nice with 840c.
  5. Flat-bottomed wok and 500g tin of 玄米茶 (Japanese green tea that has roasted brown rice).
  6. Preferably with an option for orange or bronze.
  7. Worked, had my usual meetings, and found out that I'll be moving to my new position in early December assuming everything goes as planned.
  8. IIRC, GPH here bought one recently.
  9. Went out to get some shopping done and to look around for a wedding ring for my fiancee. We ended up really liking one of the rings we saw, so we just bought it. It's a bonus that precious metal price is rather low right now.
  10. Well, I contacted the support about it, so I'll keep you all posted if I actually here anything back from them.
  11. Oops, I had the 4-pin firewire and firewire 800 confused in my head for some odd reason.
  12. Methinks the opening's for a future FireWire 800 port.
  13. FYI, Mini-DAC doesn't have an option for USB anymore, unless you find one used with it. Also, when they did used to have one with USB, MSRP was $1095.
  14. Left work on time for a change to go pick up my two new pairs of glasses. Man, they're both so much better than my old pairs.
  15. Spent first half of the day being lazy. Then helped plant some bulbs in the yard before carving some pumpkins. Now, the house and my hands smell like raw pumpkin.
  16. Just finished watching the second season of Heroes over couple of days. OMFG, the show moves slowly. It would've driven me insane if I was watching this on weekly basis.
  17. That's not what I wanted to hear as I'm going through the second season right now.
  18. Got up early (for a weekend) and went to this small eyewear shop on a recommendation from a good friend. It was by far the best experience I've had picking out new glasses. The experience and the deal the owner gave me was so great I ended up buying two pairs of glasses. Then went to a surprise birthday party for the same friend at a zoo. Had to bail early from the party since my allergy started acting up rather badly and I couldn't alleviate the symptoms.
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