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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. If it weren't that damn thing called snow up here, we would've definitely sold one of our cars and replaced it with a scooter for my commute (I work only 9 miles away). We actually came pretty close to doing it, as it were.
  2. Massively downgraded the cable service from Comcast. Predictably, the customer service tried to entice me repeatedly with limited-time offers.
  3. Makes me wish I had better woodworking skills (along with other knowledge required to build speakers). What are you planning on using to drive these?
  4. After putting it off for a while, finally got around to (almost) completing the application for naturalization and found out the lovely filing fee is $595.
  5. Season 1 of Arrested Development
  6. Thanks guys - much appreciated. Just regular RCA cables that are longer than 4 ft - another side benefit of power amp with input on its side. Me, too. It's one of my favorite food, but being Japanese, I'm bit biased. I always make so much that I end up freezing it, though considering the rate at which I consume that stuff, I don't know why I bother.
  7. Did some grocery shopping then cooked Japanese style curry (way too much of it as usual) for dinner. Just turned on my rig for some listening session only to find the sound coming from only one channel. After some trial and error, the culprit turns out to be one of the IC's. Much to my amazement, I can't locate a single pair of spare IC. I wish this had happened last weekend when I was placing some order with Blue Jeans Cable.
  8. Argh. I sure don't miss that one from my college days (my second major was a philosophy). Hobbes really was a cheerful chap. Back on topic, I just finished reading/listening to I Am Legend for the second time. I'm going to be start reading/listening to the Dark Tower series again or the new short story collection from Stephen King.
  9. During the last 1/3 of 2008 (before the Holidays) I was eating much better (bit healthier and more sane portions) and managed to lose ~25 pounds. Of course, I gained about 5 pounds during the Holidays so I intend on losing the gain and get back on track with better diet this year.
  10. Seconded. There're also some stuff from FTC that most likely applies here as well. I still have it (FTC info) bookmarked on my desktop from when I had a reason to use it. Let me know if you want the info.
  11. "One Man, One Vote", in which Vetinari guzziguy is the Man, and he has the Vote.
  12. Hopefully, Minis will still have firewire (and be in production) until I need to replace my iMac, whenever that may be. Back on topic, just finished sealing (or at least tried to) all the casement windows in the house with some rope caulk.
  13. That sucks, dude. I hope you have a better luck in the new year.
  14. Glad to hear you're liking the Duet, Nate (and that you can finally use one of your fabulous breakout cables). I concur that it's a kick-ass little unit - I wish I had pulled a trigger on one a lot sooner than I did.
  15. Let me know if you find some - we've got some windows that could use replacing. How are you liking the DAC (and Duet)?
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