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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Yes, and remember the following cons as well.
  2. So when are you getting yourself a pair, Dinny?
  3. I did order five boxes, and the ones that were damaged were all in the bottom box. I did e-mail the seller about getting them replaced, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. As long as I can get replacements in before the 11/16, I'm good.
  4. Got another right ear impression done for re-fitting my JH13 Pro. Much to my surprise, the audiologist gave me the impression for free. Came home to find my tiles for kitchen backsplash waiting for me. The tiles are really nice, though 1/5th of them were damaged in shipping.
  5. Nice, Dave! I can't wait to get mine back - I have to got get another impression before that, though.
  6. Thanks! Even on a quick read-through, I can see it is infinitely better than the atrocity Denon calls "user manual."
  7. DOYLR doesn't flow as well as DOTU, though.
  8. Spent the last two hours connecting and setting up my new Denon receiver. After some initial confusion (the manual is mostly useless, IMO), I've everything working correctly now. I think I'll play around with it more this weekend when I have more time. In any case, why does it have to come with two friggin' remotes?
  9. Yep. It was bit expensive (though cheap for glass tiles), but we really liked the tiles. Thanks again for the info, Ian.
  10. They said that the right ear impression is "not a full ear impression." Now, why they couldn't figure that out initially, I've no idea.
  11. So I sent my pair back in last week for a re-fit as the right earpiece wasn't fitting that well. After asking me my fit issues (over e-mails), they go back to look at my ear impressions and tell me that the right ear impression wasn't done well/correctly, so they need me to get another one done. While it's a pain I need to go get another impression made, I'm more annoyed that JHAudio couldn't tell me that the right ear impression wasn't done well/correctly when they first received them, instead of going ahead and making my IEMs from what they perceive to be an improperly made ear impression.
  12. Should've said "upcoming." It's supposed to be ready sometime this month.
  13. Netflix membership. I'm looking forward to see how well (or not) the streaming over PS3 works.
  14. Nope, you're right about the GLite pricing. Yet another effect of the economy, I guess.
  15. Nice, Stretch. I see the vinyl curse is still going on strong. As for what I bought, a new faucet for the kitchen and week's worth of groceries.
  16. If the amp section of Duet is any indication, it will be hissy with JH13. In that regard, it's actually worse than my iPod Classic (80gb).
  17. Setup my Epos bookshelf speakers on my computer desk with iMac. Liking the setup a lot more than I expected.
  18. Denon AVR4308CI. The deal was too good to pass up.
  19. Dew Eeet! Duke Nukem Forever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  20. All this talk of Mac Mini is making me want one - methinks it's time to look through the craigslist for a used one.
  21. I had forgotten about the trigger function - that would certainly work here. I highly doubt my taste is mroe refined than yours, Nate. I think it's the case of me not pricing things correctly, especially since I've been mostly looking at new prices.
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