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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Spent the morning doing some damage control. Now I'm trying to get through what I had originally planned to get through this morning.
  2. Firewire (iMac to Duet) Coax (Squeezebox into Denon receiver)
  3. Well, let's see. Supposedly, the longest non-stop commercial flight is Newark to Singapore traveling 9535 km over ~19 hours. So if we suppose your package has been traveling ~9000 km each day since the 23rd of October, your package has gone thus far 171,000 km or bit over 4 times the circumference of the Earth.
  4. Thank you for your service and sacrifices.
  5. A tank of gas for our grill. I can't wait till we have a stove in the kitchen again.
  6. 500g of Genmaicha from Upton Tea Imports.
  7. I know I'm digging up a thread that hasn't been touched for almost 8 months, but it appears Netflix on PS3 is now actually happening. My Netflix streaming disc for PS3 is supposedly on its way so hopefully, I'll get to test it out in couple of days.
  8. That sucks regarding your seal. Hopefully, you'll get it deal with quickly. As for mine, they got the new impression for my right ear today (the left year was fine). Hopefully, the second time will be the charm.
  9. Think Secret - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  10. Awesome. What color did you get?
  11. I know it's been gone for a while now, but I still miss Think Secret.
  12. I've got Borderlands, Dragon Age, and Kill Zone 2 that I haven't touched yet.
  13. Bu location, or otherwise known as "I'm too lazy to bring all these leaves to the first pile, so I'll just start another pile."
  14. x2. Though with couple of other games I still haven't gotten around to playing for PS3, combine with the busy schedule of late, I doubt I'll get to playing it for a while.
  15. I realize that now, but I was talking about the one they took out an ad on a magazine recently (Absolute Sound, IIRC). Unless, of course, that Special Edition and Nu-Force Edition are one and the same thing.
  16. I think I'd rather get the new upcoming Special Edition with ESS DAC chips.
  17. Just spent the last hour and half raking the leaves in the front yard into separate piles. I had forgotten how much I hate raking.
  18. Just FYI, my post was tongue-in-cheek comment from a post in HF.
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