The book is still much better than the either ending, IMO. Also, the title I Am Legend actually makes sense with the book. On a related note, just added The Omega Man and The Last Man on Earth on my Netflix queue.
I haven't had any issues wearing mine with glasses. I actually like wearing them with glasses since they feel more secure with stems pressing on the cables.
For me, JH13s don't isolate as well as my Ety ER4S (w/ blue Triple flange tips). Then again, I do shove my Etys fairly deep into my ears.
Well, shoveling wasn't as bad as I expected - gotta love light snow. I also appreciate the fact the town plow has yet to plow me in since we've moved here.
That sucks. We got about 6-8 inches, I think, and it's still coming down at decent clip here, too. Hopefully, it stops snowing soon so I can start shoveling.