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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
  2. I think the wait for Dinny is finally over (assuming, of course, they actually update the MBP as suspected).
  3. Built To Spill - Keep It Like A Secret
  4. Just finished completely re-arranging my living room, which required routing the coax for cable TV through opposite side of the floor. This turned out to be more difficult than anticipated as the hole where the coax was coming through wasn't large enough for the coax plug to pass through (i.e., cable guy put a naked cable through the hole, then crimped on the plug). After several frustrating attempts to enlarge the hole, I just cut the existing coax and used a new coax instead.
  5. That would be awesome - would make it much easier than using iPod in the car, at least for me.
  6. The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
  7. A case for my portable HD and Sansa Clip+ to use while exercising.
  8. Here you go. Headphone+musume
  9. For the ones you don't have the screws, have you e-mailed the manufactures (assuming they're still in business)?
  10. The in-laws came up for visit as they hadn't been here since our wedding back in June. Just came back from dinner at a local restaurant - the food was very good, but the service was mediocre at best.
  11. Anyone know anything about this DAC? AudiogoN ForSale: Scott Nixon Anodyne fet adapt dac pcm63
  12. Tom - hope your recovery will be smooth and speedy. Al - sorry to hear about your friend. Aura - My condolences (again) and hope your mother's procedure goes smoothly.
  13. If anything, it looks cool and bit menacing, Nate.
  14. I would go with sweaty Billy Ray Cyrus.
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