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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. They're forecasting 4-6 inches of snow here in Northern MA. Let's see if it actually snows that much this time around.
  2. Put together a crib, dining room table, and chairs for the dining room table. Then went to a local camera shop only to find that they don't have any of the models I wanted to try out.
  3. x3 on not liking a locking jack. As for steppers, I've never really liked them - always had issues finding just the right volume, often needing to settle for volume that was bit too loud or bit too soft. Only steppers I liked were the 41-step ones I had on my Gilmore Reference.
  4. Aluminum Anodizing at home - DIY aluminium Anodizing
  5. Todd's already accepting orders?
  6. Damn, that's going to be mighty tempting.
  7. Went to a local shop to get the lenses checked out as well as to drop off wife's old camera to be checked out (to see if everything is up to spec) before we put it up for sale. Lenses are in fine working order and we'll know about the camera in few days. Unfortunately, the shop didn't have any of the cameras I wanted to handle so I may be heading out to another shop later today. episiarch - I did forget about the crop factor, which would make the 28-135mm lens effectively ~45-216mm and I fear that wouldn't be useful to us, particularly on the wide end. Another option that came up while talking to the guy at the ship is to sell the EOS 3 with the lenses and the flash and put whatever I can get from the package to another camera system or a lens that fits our needs better.
  8. I need to do the same. I cleaned ours a while ago using some cleaning solution and that damaged the top shiny coating.
  9. Sorry to hear about the hangover, Dan, but congrats on your son and his game! As for me, woke up and made some breakfast for my wife. Then relaxed for a while and then did some more cleaning in prep for the nursery.
  10. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I plan on heading to a shop soon to play with some cameras as well as to get the lenses cleaned/checked out. Assuming the lenses are in good working order, I may just wait for the rumored replacement for 50D to check that out since I'm in no real hurry (the replacement will probably drop the price further on 50D as well). Actually, also found a 380EX sitting in wife's old camera bag as well. Not sure how good that thing is, but hoping it means I won't have to get a new one. She had mostly forgotten about her camera gears as he convenience of digital cameras won her over.
  11. Minor correction - we do in fact have couple of lenses from wife's Canon EOS 3 she hasn't used in years (EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS and EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS). I guess this means I'll be looking at Canons at this point.
  12. Nope, I don't have a SLR right now. FWIW, all of my digital point & shoot has been Canons.
  13. I've been wanting to dive into the realm of digital SLR for a while now and with our trusty point-and-shoot getting bit long in the tooth/temperamental (along with wanting to have a decent camera before the baby arrives), I figured this is as good a time as any to do it. For the budget, I'd like to keep it at/around $1K. I'd appreciate any recommendations/suggestions. Thanks.
  14. A crib, mattress for the said crib, new dining room table, and chairs to go with the said dining room table.
  15. Just finished filing 2009 taxes. It's the first time we filed jointly so I hope I did everything right.
  16. That sucks Knuckles. I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.
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