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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Just in time another snow this week, Stretch.
  2. I had bought it a while ago, but my Audiosector DAC came in over the weekend. Took me a while to find a power cord for it since I couldn't remember where I had put the extra cords after recent cleaning/rearranging of the house.
  3. Ben Folds - Way To Normal
  4. Have a great one, Dan!
  5. I actually know how to put one on. The workshop wasn't really for how to put them on (though there were few question on that), but mostly for navigating through multitude of cloth diaper options/styles as well as cleaning/maintenance methods/issues.
  6. Went to a diaper workshop, which was rather informative.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. The Flaming Lips - Transmissions From The Satellite Heart
  9. The Velvet Underground - Loaded
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. pan seared salmon
  12. When's PerfectWave DAC II coming out?
  13. Famous last words.
  14. x3. It's nice to have search functions for "thread started by" back again.
  15. From Shirt.Woot.
  16. Now, there's an idea....
  17. Well, I've managed to avoid scheduling any meetings on Monday. Let's hope the work's rather crappy ISP cooperates on Monday and that I don't get dragged into last-minute meetings.
  18. Woke up, then promptly threw up my dinner from last night. Came to work and spent the first couple of hours periodically dry heaving. Now I'm heading to a 2-hour long meeting that probably will last longer.
  19. Nice, Al. Since I'm resigned to the fact I will never have a top-notch (or for that matter, mid-fi) headphone rig, I shall live vicariously through your listening impressions.
  20. Music From The Motion Picture Magnolia
  21. Cream - Disraeli Gears
  22. That sucks, Stretch. Good to hear it's still working/charging, though. On a side note, you've had 3 iPhones?
  23. Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong - Ella & Louis
  24. Happy Birthday to Head-Case! I can't believe it's already been 4 years.
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