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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. I guess I'm starting the season 0-2.
  3. This is my third Apple laptop with some issues - first one had wifi adapter/logic board issues, second one something with GPU until I accidentally dropped it, and now this early 2011 MBP. I don't think I'll be buying another one since it's looking like my work will be providing me with an Apple laptop for next several years. I'll just build myself a Lightroom/iTunes box on the cheap for home. Oh, and that 2008 MBP issue was with ATI chip, which may be why it got fixed.
  4. Shelly, it'll probably be around $500-800 for the repair since they'll most likely need to replace the logic board. FWIW, when I took my MBP in for this a while back, I was quoted ~$300 to fix everything and anything that was wrong with it (w/o them going through diagnosis at location) if I was fine with sending it to their repair facility (i.e., longer repair period). I don't know if they are still offer such option, though.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. How are you liking the RX-1, Jeff?
  7. This and also this - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4766577?start=3090&tstart=0 My early 2011 15" MBP was having some video issues as well, though it has since stabilized itself. Probably helps that it's basically a glorified desktop now (I also turned off graphic card switching, so its always using discrete GPU).
  8. Crappy, I just thought of this, but in case you have, you probably want to square away any potential copyright issues here as I believe photos will belong to the child who took them.
  9. Just realized my favorite pen - Pilot Precise V5 - comes in retractable/refillable version. Much to my annoyance, each refill cost at least as much as the disposable version of the pen.
  10. While I don't love the 5s aspect ratio, I wouldn't want the screen size to get bigger as it's near the limit of using it in one hand comfortably, at least for me. As Ric said, wouldn't actually mind if they brought back something in 4/4s size (fat chance). As for iPod Classic, I'm little sad to see it go but it was getting bit expensive for that it was and it just felt very unresponsive compared to other current devices.
  11. Yep, it's your fault. At this point, I'll probably wait until after the Photokina, though, on the off chance replacement/update to GR gets introduced (i.e., price reduction for current GR) or something else new catches my attention. I had some hope for the rumored upcoming m43 fixed lens camera, but it's looking like its size will be approaching that of Canon G1 X. I really wanted to like a RX100 II/III but the damn thing handles like a bar of soap.
  12. ^ Agreed. I'm hoping by the time I replace my 5s, they'll have one in 5s size again.
  13. Saw someone using a Ricoh GR today and it rekindled my desire to get one.
  14. Yep, I keep getting stuck on "Loading..."
  15. Dizzy Gillespie Bud Powell
  16. Taj Mahal - Taj Mahal
  17. Unless you want the camera to be broken on the first day from it being dropped, I'd avoid RX100 family - handling is pretty atrocious, IMO. I know you mentioned neck strap use being a must, but I'd expect the worst (e.g. slipping out if hand while trying to set it down). Also, most 'compact' cameras come with wrist straps but not neck straps.
  18. ^ Have you seen my team? I don't know what I was thinking.
  19. ^ Have you seen my team? I don't know what I was thinking.
  20. Well, I setup the draft bot so it won't draft me 5 kickers since I may not be around for the draft.
  21. Sanchez? Of course, he actually looked like a NFL quarterback this preseason.
  22. So when are actually doing the draft?
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