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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. You can see couple pics of them further down the thread. Grado Facility Tour - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  2. Built To Spill - Ancient Melodies Of The Future
  3. Digging up an old thread here, but was wondering if there have been anything new and exciting in the world of cordless drill? Also, anyone here has experience with Rockwell drills? Their free batteries for life program intrigues me, though their drills are bit expensive.
  4. Again, not snow, but now 3-6 inches expected around here over the next two days. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.
  5. Built two raised bed frames. This turned out to be more difficult than anticipated due to a crappy, underpowered cordless drill that kept running out of battery. I'll be getting myself a better drill soon. Time to start researching.
  6. 8 cu ft of peat moss 2"x6"x8' lumber (x2) 2"x12"x16' lumber 1.5 cu ft of compost Still need to go get more/different compost, but it's been surprisingly difficult to locate.
  7. It's back up and I doubt it was really anything as Apple generally doesn't release anything new on weekend. FWIW, yesterday was the deadline for 1st round of iPad apps.
  8. Had to initiate an item exchange with Amazon - it was odd that the initiation process required no human interaction. Hopefully, the exchange goes smoothly.
  9. WUT? I bought approximately 8 cu ft of vermiculite and shade over 3 pounds of salmon fillet.
  10. Yay! Technically yesterday, but I had to stay late at work for a function at work and got fed spectacularly mediocre pizzas instead of good pizzas I was expecting as they got them from a different place then usual. Got home and tried to play around with Lightroom 3B2 as I've never used Lightroom before, but was too tired so I gave up shortly after.
  11. Frick, I have to buy those soon, too. Goddamn house.
  12. Well, if it's any consolation, I have a backyard that is only green because moss grows on it - not enough sunlight as the backyard is surrounded by trees (state forests). My gardens will be going on the front yard where it actually gets some sunlight.
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