Acquired couple of groove joint pliers as my old one appears to have fallen victim to the black hole that is my basement. I should have bought myself another toolbox as well since the current one is quite full.
I wish there was a way to look for HD streaming titles as well. In regards to video quality, after some issues initially (back in November of '09), we've been getting consistently good to excellent video quality regardless whether the streamed media is regular-def or high-def (except when we're having connection problem - which is a problem with Comcast and not Netflix). FWIW, my PS3's output is upscaled via Denon AVR4308 (though original aspect ratio is kept).
The push-pull zoom is rather loose, but I gave up looking for one that isn't loose after number of sellers told me their copy was loose. I may try the electrical tape trick to make it bit tighter. I found one that was/is supposedly not loose - claimed as near NOS - but wasn't willing to pay the asking price. There are also some dusts in there, but I guess that's to be expected. Predictably, I haven't been able to use it yet since the adapter I bought has yet to arrive.
Spent the early part of the day during some yard work - planting, putting in mulch, etc. Found some strawberry plants at a local nursery so bought some and planted them.
I'm going with flickr and mobile me at this point. One of these days, I'll get around to transferring all my pics from other hosting places (photobucket, picasa).
BTW, thanks for the heads up on Photobucket, Deepak.
I wish I could give you one. It's one of those "recipes" from my mom that only tells me what goes in it and what to do with it, but not real measurement/amount for any of the items.