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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. CAKE - Motorcade Of Generosity
  2. I'm guessing he was talking about the macro capabilities of the 14-45 lens and not of the body.
  3. Tin Hat Trio - Helium
  4. It spews out magical unicorn dust.
  5. Damn. Good thing you're ordering during a sale.
  6. Tiger Okoshi - Color Of Soil
  7. Peanut butter and marmalade sandwich. I need to make more orange marmalade.
  8. Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy
  9. According to the MacWorld article, it cuts you off 3G until you buy new plan/more data. iPad 3G: How much does 250MB get you? | Tablets | iPhone Central | Macworld
  10. By update do you mean when it will be updated? The latest guess/rumor is June/early summer, the last time I checked. It's been over an year since the last update. As for Apple Display, I've no idea if it's worth the cost. It sure looks pretty, but the only places I've seen it are Apple Stores, where you really can't compare to other displays.
  11. Paul Simon - Negotiations and Love Songs 1971 - 1986
  12. Sorry to hear about the migraine, Dinny. Hope your meetings are in the early part of the day so you can duck out of work afterward.
  13. Good man!
  14. One 8x12 print from AdoramaPix and ezprints - hope they come out well. Also finally bought a pair of brown shoes/sneakers to replace my current brown pair that has seen better days.
  15. I'm going to try out AdoramaPix and ezprints as they offer prints in the size I want - 8x12. I was surprised to find that most places don't offer that size.
  16. Natalie Merchant - Leave Your Sleep
  17. Have a great one!
  18. I'm still holding hope that iPhone will come to Verizon on the next revision - of course, I was saying the same thing before 3GS came out. I'm really tempted to switch my carrier when the next iPhone comes out, assuming Verizon doesn't get it.
  19. Portishead - Dummy
  20. Natalie Merchant - Tigerlily
  21. Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing
  22. I should remember that if I ever move out of MA.
  23. Anyone here has good (or bad) experience with any of those online photo printers? I wanted to print some images and was planning on just doing it through flickr (snapfish, technicaly), but they don't appear to offer in size I want.
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