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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Steinbrenner dies from heart attack | yankees.com: News
  2. I'd be up for it again.
  3. I never pictured you as being from Kentucky.
  4. As a rightie, I never hold my phone in my right hand. I always hold it in my left hand so I have my dominant hand free to do whatever I may need to do in middle of a phone conversation (e.g., take notes). Also, when I'm using the device, I hold it in my left hand so I can use my dominant hand to navigate the screen. I've also made numerous calls from various locals around northern MA in the past few days and have not had any issues with the calls, except at my work/office with its multiple signal blocking walls it might as well be a giant Faraday cage. Though as Nate stated, it's more than likely that my area is just well covered. On a side note, 3G upload speed from my iPhone at my home is faster than my Comcrap cable upload speed. Speaking of cases, the bumper is not exactly a well-designed piece of equipment.
  5. 4GB Sansa Fuse for $19.99 Wireless Daily Deal, 1 Sale A Day
  6. So is that horse radish flavor or fire flavor?
  7. I spoke too soon in regards to flickr and their new interface - it's still in the preview/beta stage and I was able to get back to the old interface after looking around for a while. I just don't know how it is I ended up with the new interface since I know I didn't take up on the option to test it out.
  8. The Beatles - Abbey Road
  9. I distinctly buying Festina Peche at one point but I don't remember drinking it. I believe I must rectify this situation.
  10. Didn't know they had two raison beers - the only I've had is the Raison D'
  11. I actually like the raison beer in small doses.
  12. I didn't hate it, but didn't like it either. I'm pretty sure there are couple bottle of them still left in my fridge.
  13. Yeah, our upgrade process has been bit slow, to say the least. I think they were just putting off on re-writing/modifying Visual Basic macros so they'd work on 2007. Regarding flickr, is anyone else having issues with the new interface? With Firefox or Safari on Windows, the pull-down buttons ("Actions," and "Share This") directly above the pictures don't work/do anything. Somewhat predictably, it works fine with IE. EDIT: Just checked using Safari on iPhone and it doesn't work there either.
  14. Japanese-style curry
  15. Well, fuck. It appears the interface change over at flickr is now final/permanent (I'd been ignoring the option to test out the new interface and chugging along on the old interface). As someone else mentioned earlier (I think it was Knuckles), the new interface is full of FAIL. Reminds me of my recent experience with moving over to Office 2007 at work.
  16. While I've no real practical use or need for it (especially with knowing only 1 other person with iPhone 4 whom I'd call) I tried out FaceTime over the weekend with a friend of mine. It worked really well - both the audio and video came through clearly with no drop-offs. Additionally, I think it is idiotic that it only works with iPhone 4 right now (though I suspect it'll eventually work with iChat).
  17. Cowboy Junkies - The Trinity Session
  18. Congrats and good luck with your new job, Nate! Was this the possible life change you mentioned a while back?
  19. So this is the first time I've got my iPhone at work and it barely gets 2 bars of reception in my office, and lose service altogether if I cover the infamous antenna sections with my hand. FWIW, I observed same reception problem with my Verizon cell phone, which lost service if I left the phone in my pants pocket. It doesn't help that my office is located in a section of the building where in all four directions, there are multiple layers of reinforced walls.
  20. This used to happen to me fairly frequently on my Verizon phone before I moved to my current home in northern Mass. In the last two years we've been here, I think it happened once.
  21. How did you like the movie? I've been meaning to watch it, but I keep forgetting about it.
  22. Just downgraded my 2nd gen touch back to 3.1.2 (I couldn't get 3.1.3 to work). Everything is back to being snappy again. Considering the performance hit and minimal benefits, I really don't know why Apple allowed 4.0 on 2nd gen touch (and iphone 3G).
  23. The first layer of our wedding cake we forgot to eat on our 1st anniversary.
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