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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Thanks everyone!
  2. ^ Or iMacs/monitors with height adjustment.
  3. Congrats!
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Thankfully, we were both feeling little better by night time so we were able to partake upon some of the leftovers. We missed out on seeing the family (daughter and I stayed at in-laws house as the lunch/dinner is at another relatives house) but we'll get to see them next month. As others have said, I think a cancellation policy would be a good idea, Santa.
  6. Been throwing up every time I eat (unless it's a banana) for the past two days and then my daughter threw up in the car in the middle of a two and half hour ride. Her and I will be missing the holiday lunch/dinner. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  7. That thing was beautiful. Found a photo of it.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Yep, it's that time of the year again. It looks like it's going to mess up our traveling plans. Oh and I think I broke all my shovels to varying degrees last winter.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Breyers Blasts Samoas ice cream. I thought to myself, "Ice cream and Samoas (or Caramel Delight) cookies - two things I enjoy in one package, what could possibly go wrong?" Well, a lot.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Dropped off an item at a local UPS service center and was asked "is it packed well enough to survive an 8-ft drop onto concrete?" I replied, "I've never intentionally dropped anything from 8 feet onto concrete that I intend to keep/use after the fact. Are you planning on dropping my package from 8 feet on to concrete?"
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Shelly, 16GB (8GB x2) from Crucial is $166, so $332 for 32GB.
  20. That sucks Dan, hope nothing comes of it.
  21. ^ Forgot the 27" has 4 slots. One thing to keep in mind is how picky (or not) iMac is with different RAM sticks as it is generally recommended you use same brand/model/spec across your RAM sticks.
  22. i7, just because. Also, LR and other software are almost completely CPU dependent so every bit of raw CPU power helps. Getting a third party (e.g., Crucial, OWC) upgrade to 16GB should be cheaper, though I don't know how much cheaper. Also, having more GPU memory should in theory help with driving extra monitor/more resolution. Whether or not you'll see the difference in your computer usage is a different matter entirely. Wait, you're not getting an iMac 5K?
  23. I assume that her account isn't the one logged in on Facetime (under Settings) on your phone?
  24. But this is Head-Case.
  25. ^ FYI, the link just goes back to HC. Regarding the Thunderbolt station, you may want to wait for the Thunderbolt 2 update.
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