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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Yesterday, we went out for a nice dinner (I really enjoy the Restaurant Week), taking our baby girl with us. It was bit stressful at first, but she did great at the restaurant and the food was excellent. I'm sure, though, other patrons were thinking "oh crap, there's a baby here" as they walked into the dining area (we were the first ones in).
  2. I've a $20 Nikon F to Canon EF adaptor I bought on eBay (Fotodiox) that I use on Nikon Series E 75-150mm f/3.5. It works well enough for my use, though there is a small amount of play between the lens and the mount adaptor. It's bit of a pain to remove the adaptor from the lens, so if I had multiple Nikon lenses, I'd get an adaptor for each lens and leave it on. This, of course, would make it unusable with a Nkon body. BTW, what Canon body did you get? EDIT - Here's a post by Knuckledragger on the subject. http://www.head-case.org/forums/miscellaneous/4047-official-head-case-photography-thread-19.html#post342430
  3. Not anything new of late. Like you, I like to be able to read a complete series so I generally don't ready/buy any until they're available as books. I may start re-reading Transmetropolitan again, another one of my favorites along with Planetary.
  4. Haven't noticed any difference in the battery life with 4.0.2 on my iphone 4. Was there anything on 4.0.2 that should be causing battery drain?
  5. Did you manage to fix it, Jin? The past history suggest that touch would be included. My touch was bad enough with iOS4 that I downgraded it back to 3.1.2.
  6. That sucks. I hope the garage is not attached to the house and/or the problem is isolated to the garage.
  7. Yep, I was asking you. Enjoy The Sandman, it's one of my favorites.
  8. Seven hours later, we're finally home and I've finished unpacking all the crap. Now I'm downloading all the pics from the Canon workshop as well as of the family - hopefully, there will be at least few pics that are decent (spray & pray).
  9. 5.5 hours into 4.5 hours trip back from my folks' place in Maine with 1.5 more hours to go. I hate the fucking traffic. Thankfully, our daughter has been fantastic all things cconcerned.
  10. That sucks, Mike. Your post makes me wonder about the long term durability on these things. I guess I'll eventually find out myself.
  11. Jeff, I can see the poll result, but I can't vote on it.
  12. Just got back from the Canon workshop at Acadia National Park. I had a good time and spent the whole workshop using 10-22. Time permitting, I may go back to later session today or the morning session tomorrow so I can borrow 5DII with an L lens.
  13. If you want to call a three month old baby screaming/crying while you try to get to the next exit or rest area ( so you can calm her down), which is at least 20 minutes away because you're driving through Maine fun, then sure, it was fun.
  14. Just finished driving to my folks' place in Maine. Being the first extended driving trip for our daughter, it took 6 hours instead of 4.5.
  15. What's this wi-fi at work you speak of?
  16. Brent, glad to hear it turned out okay in the end. My condolences, Steve. Rest in peace, Fred.
  17. Seagate 750gb 7200rpm HD for $42 shipped on woot. They're refurb unit and I don't know the reliability of this particular model.
  18. So the center pinch lens caps I ordered off eBay came in this week. I've been using them for the last couple of days and have had no issues with them not staying put with lens hoods on. FWIW, all of my lens have UV filters. I believe they're ones Vivitar sells (one of them came in Vivitar packaging while others came in no-name plastic packaging). They're so much easier than side pinchers to put on/take off while lens hoods are being used. I wish Canon would start using/making center pinchers for their lenses.
  19. It's a Droid X. I must admit, the dock looks pretty slick.
  20. I wish I could convince my wife she needs one, since I really don't. Then there's also the (probably) upcoming G12.
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