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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. How does the draft pick trade work? Do we get to bundle multiple picks for a better pick and/or bundle a pick with player(s) we've already drafted? I'm hoping I'll actually end up with a decent RB this year. IIRC, Chris Johnson alone almost outscored my entire RB group last year.
  2. I voted, hopefully, my draft/roster will coincide nicely with whatever bonus points we end up with.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Oh, I get that it looks far worse than it actually is. I just wouldn't want someone to break a cinder block on my stomach, though.
  5. Now that you mention it, I see there are broken cinder blocks in the previous pic. Yikes.
  6. Weird that nothing has shown up on the tracking for almost 8 hours - UPS is usually really good with that in my experience. If it turns out they won't deliver today and it shows up at the local customer/distribution center, maybe you can call them to let you pick it up tomorrow? I've managed to do that once few years ago.
  7. I don't know if there are more scams on craigslist now or I'm just looking for the right kind of items, but do people really fall for these too-good-to-be-true ads? Canon EOS 7D Camera Body 18.0 Megapixel
  8. UPS won't deliver on Saturday unless you paid specifically for it. As for whether or not you'll get it today, is the package already at the local distribution center? If so, you might get it today.
  9. In no particular order, Kuboten Audiocubes, and PriceJapan. I've used them all in the past and I've had no problems with any of them.
  10. That's awesome, Beefy. Is that a board w/ nails sticking out on the floor in front of the performer?
  11. ^ Ah, I see. I didn't realize that it's time off w/o pay.
  12. Sorry to hear about your ankle, Vicki. I wish I had 110 hours of vacation time to spend, though I suspect that you won't have anyone doing your job for you during those 110 vacation hours, correct?
  13. ThinkGeek :: Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows
  14. Now I do. Nice. I got the invitation but couldn't figure out a way to drive down there with baby and whatnot.
  15. I still think they might be coming -there's still the Canon Expo next week as well as Photokinia (or whatever it is called) near end of September.
  16. Deep fried zucchini breaded with panko.
  17. Vacation, I hope?
  18. It probably will sell enough - it does look to have better ergonomics than the Rebel series, along with the 2nd wheel with simpler/dumbed-down controls. It's just not what current xxD owners were expecting/hoping. I think those with 40D/50D who were planning on upgrading before the announcement, will now probably go straight to 7D or 5DII.
  19. The retail for 60D will be $1099. Looking at the spec, it appears that 60D isn't really a successor to 50D, but more as something for those who wanted HD video but not T2i (and to compete with other company's video capable models). Then again, 7D probably was the real successor to 50D. I agree about the plastic body, but I think Canon's trying to position it as uber-Rebel more than traditional xxD model (it even uses SD instead of CF now).
  20. ^ All of the above, as well as cold udon and somen. Most of them are easy enough to make, assuming I can find all the ingredients at the local H Mart. Too bad I hate going there.
  21. That works for me as well.
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