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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Started off the day unsuccessfully trying to put Libby back to sleep after she woke up entirely too early. This was followed by going to her doctor since she's been rather stuffy for couple of days (turned out to be nothing major as we thought, but it was reassuring to hear that from her doctor). Just finished making Japanese-style curry and now watching the truly awful Pats defense.
  2. Predictably, the two players I took out of the lineup since they'd done nothing the first two weeks, are the two players on my team that has scored most point thus far this week.
  3. Maybe not the pinout, but something was changed, there was a thread about it over on HF. In the meantime, try activating airplane mode and see if your current LOD works. Another trick was to start playing music then connecting LOD, though I've never tried the second method.
  4. toe - For Long Tomorrow
  5. Chuck
  6. Yes, I believe the pinout on the connector changed compared to old iPods so older LODs don't work on iPhone. I have couple of LODs that still work with my iPod Classic but not with my Touch or iPhone. The Oyaide one we had a group-buy on does work on iPhone 4 (as well as iPods).
  7. Sorry, I've only mostly listened to TTVJ Slim as amp and not as amp/DAC combo. I know there are few folks here who has one and, fwiw, there's been few meet impressions.
  8. TTVJ Slim w/ DAC may work for you well. I've thought about going that route myself as I used to have a Pico w/ DAC.
  9. Never acquired a taste for it myself. My wife loves it, though, and I think she cooks hot dogs just so she has an excuse to eat more sauerkraut.
  10. Except he paid more for JH16. On a separate note, I received my Pico Slim yesterday and it's really nice to be able to control the volume better now.
  11. and bowling.
  12. Shouldn't it be bread roast beef cheddar mustard mayo bread
  13. I didn't realize they fed you sauerkraut in math prison. I don't think I want to go there.
  14. Dinny, I haven't seen too many cases for the new Touch yet and I don't think they'll be coming as quickly as they did for iPhone 4. Hard Candy has some (iPod Touch 4G Cases, Covers, and Skins | Hard Candy Cases), but they don't have holes for the speakers on the bottom (i.e., using FaceTime would be difficult). As for a Defender case, prepare to wait for a long while considering how long it took Otterbox to release ones for iPad and iPhone 4.
  15. Oh, it's not that I don't think Oppo would be a better Blu-Ray player. It's that my TV probably isn't good enough take advantage and most importantly, it'll be a hard sell to my better half since we already have a Blu-Ray player.
  16. They Might Be Giants - Flood
  17. Damn, I wish I didn't already own a PS3.
  18. I think every country should have a National BBQ day.
  19. Speaking of small footprint computers, I've always wanted one of these for some reason. A friend of ours has one and is still using it.
  20. Are there anyone who builds/sells micro LOD for iPhone/iPod aside from Whiplash or ALO?
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Unless the policies have changed, Rockhopper also isn't taking any custom orders.
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