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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. What do you know, for the second straight week, I start someone that is listed as out. I'd completely forgotten about the football this weekend.
  2. ^ That ain't right, crappy. Yeah, it's a $3 item, but it was supposed to be included from the start. These recent string of posts/threads as well as what Mike has had to deal with regarding his pair, I'll be treating my JH13 with extra care as to avoid ever needing to send them in for a repair/service.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Merry Christmas, everyone!
  5. Drove to my in-laws place, and the traffic wasn't as bad as we expected.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Hopefully, I'll do better next year (which is probably what I said last year). This was my first time in a 12-team league and I think I'll be better prepared for it next year.
  8. I think so, though it's supposed to be shipping in January now.
  9. iPad Keyboard Case
  10. I've had the cover w/ light for as long as I've had my Kindle and I've never had issues. I agree with Reks, it's a great case. Via Tapatalk
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2C0M5rstsU&feature=player_embedded
  12. x2 If it weren't for the AF issues on Sigmas with Canons, I'd be really tempted. As it is, I'm not willing to go through multiple copies and/or multiple factory calibrations to get a usable copy. Via Tapatalk
  13. Portable friction mount for my gps. Via Tapatalk
  14. To their credit, they haven't done either of those things since the first time.
  15. Awkward Pregnancy*Photos - BLOG - Pregnant Chicken To think some of those were paid photos....
  16. I love my 85 1.8 - it is my favorite lens. I love it so much that I'm afraid of trying out its brother, lest I'd be forced to save up for one.
  17. My parents dogs have attacked and killed a skunk and a porcupine. My parents weren't all that amused with the results.
  18. A calzone that took hour and half to deliver.
  19. Colombian Army Ambushes Guerillas With Stealth Christmas Tree
  20. Paging Dr. Knuckles, paging Dr. Knuckles. Incidentally, that's the same camera my wife used for a while (though she hadn't touched it in years when we recently sold it on eBay).
  21. Appearently, she's also agreed to pay $34 million in restitution to Koss after she is out of prison. I wonder how she plans on doing that.
  22. Just burned myself a little while making some peanut brittle. The lesson of the day - cooked sugar does not come off your finger easily.
  23. Former Koss Executive Sentenced To 11 Years For Embezzlement - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee The news is a month-old at this point, but I guess this puts at least one closure to this whole thing. Anyone know if anything has come of Koss suing American Express over this?
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